Chapter 59

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Just know that I would die for you...

~•~ Chapter 59 ~•~

We slept for the whole day and night, our bodies thirsty for rest to a high level. When I woke up, it was noon. The sun had started slowly to set down. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry lying on his side, his back towards me, uncovered by the blanket, that was fully curled around me. Ah fuck, why does this always happen? Sighing, I sat up and grabbed the blanket before pulling it over his body.

None of the boys came to wake us up and I didn't see anyone outside. I guess they're all in their tents. I could see Louis’ grave from where the opening of the tent, my stomach churning uneasily. For some odd reason, it didn't feel so shocking, as if my brain had slowly started to accept the fact that I wouldn't see him again.

My throat was dry like a desert so I reached for my bag and pulled out a bottle of water. Emptying it completely in an instant, I felt my heart pounding louder in my chest at the intimate action. I put the empty bottle on the side and turned towards Harry.

Seeing him so peaceful as he slept only made my heart melt with love. God I missed him so much, it's incredible. Placing my hand on his bicep, I leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his skin on his shoulder. I then stood up and slid my shoes on before I walked out of the tent. Everything seemed so quiet, yet so dull. All the tents were closed, meaning the boys didn't want to be disturbed. I really wanted to talk to Zayn and thank him for what he did back then, but I know he's not in a position to discuss all the tremendous thing that happened to us. Neither am I, to be honest, and the fact that I have to tell Harry soon only added my nervousness.

As I headed towards Louis’ grave, Thomas appeared from behind a tree with Loki by his side. I slightly jumped at the sight of them but forced a smile, “Hey guys.” I greeted coolly, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Hey, Claire, how - how are you?” He asked with pure concern, instantly reaching out to pull me into a hug. I hugged him back firmly, trying my best not to tear up at the question that always has my walls falling.

“I'm trying to be okay,” I admitted sheepishly as I pulled back, “How are you?”

He sighed before glancing over at Louis’ grave with sad eyes. “Devastated. I just won't believe it.”

I nodded, pulling my lips into my mouth before I crouched down and started petting Loki. Thank God he's okay, Louis threw him off his arms to save him, it would be such a shame if Loki hadn't made it, too.

“Hi litttle buddy,” I said sweetly, a real smile stretching onto my lips as he licked my hand and wiggled his tail adorably. “I missed your cute face.” I said in a high pitched voice, ruffling his fur.

“Why thank you, partner, I missed you, too.” Thomas rolled his eyes sarcastically. I huffed as I stood up, giving him a blank look. “What happened to you anyway?” he crossed his arms.

I bit my lower lip as the memories all flashed behind my eyes. “I don't really want to talk about it...right now.” I admitted lowly, rubbing my arm.

He nodded, his brown eyes showing confusion. “It must have been that bad, huh.” he muttered.

“Yeah.” then, a question popped in my head that I wanted to ask but always forgot about it. “What happened to Cole?”

“Uh, he turned. In his sleep.” he replied, scratching the back of his neck, shocking me.

I gasped, “Really?”

“Yeah, he was sick, Liam said something about willingly putting hinself into coma - weird shit I didn't understand,” he moved his hand dismissively.

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