Chapter 9

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~~ Chapter 9 ~~

"Great shot!" Niall gushed as Zayn shot his arrow right in the center of the aim, Zayn's face lighting up with a smirk.

"Thanks." he mumbled, easily pulling out another arrow from his back case.

I looked around, seeing all the boys trying out their guns. Liam and Harry were actually trying to figure out how to balance their arms once they pull the trigger, while Louis, Ashton and Thomas were actually just shooting at every part of the aim for no reason, joking and messing around. Leo was talking to Niall, explaining to him a few things Niall had questions about. I gripped tightly my own katana, staring at it with a frown on my face.

How many lives will this weapon take...God knows..

They're already dead, my subconscious reminded me.

"What's wrong, pretty?" I snapped my head up to see Zayn by my side, caramel eyes full of curiosity. "Are you okay?" he sat down beside me on the bench.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking.." I shrugged.

"About what?" he casually asked, placing his crossbow next to him.

"The mission. Who we will have to kill to survive.." I admitted.

"Zombies. Just zombies." he said flatly.

"What if they are still alive?" I wondered out loud, staring at Harry's back as he loaded up his gun. My stomach churned at the small thought that anything could happen to him on that raid.

"The soldiers?" Zayn asked, cocking a brow. I nodded, turning to look at his gorgeous tan face. His hair had grew longer but it looked so good on him. "They're probably dead. If not, then trapped. And that would be better for us, we will have more help if they are all alive and we will get over with this shit much faster." He leaned his back against the wall behind us.

"Don't you think they would have already taken the cure and shut down the shield if they were alive?" Something was telling me deep inside that none of them was alive.

"Maybe they are just clueless." He mumbled, running a hand down his face in thought. "They don't know how to shut it down."

"What about that scientist? He made all of this.. He can obviously stop it as well on his own. But why doesn't he? Something was not adding up to me.

“Leo said it's all for protection. ”

“So the other soldiers can't be dead, they're just protected from the outside zone. ”

“I don't know Claire, we'll have to figure it out once we go there.” he shrugged. His toned biceps looked good with his black tank top and black jeans.  “You should stop thinking too much about this. It will kill you. ” he looked at me sternly.

I sighed and nodded, “I know, it's been time since the last time, that's why.” I admitted, leaning back on the wall. My eyes flicked between the boys as they all talked and shot at the targets with excitement on their faces.

My eyes though lingered on Harry, who was now talking seriously with Leo and his face masked all of his emotions. My heart leaped as I stared at how beautiful and brave he is. Nothing could stop him from being a better leader, literally nothing.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to him, not to the other boys.

“Were gonna be fine.” Zayn said as if he read my thoughts. I turned to see him staring at me with a small smile.

“I need you to promise me something.” I cleared my throat, my stomach tight now.

“Sure,” he nodded.

“If anything happens to me, Harry stays alive. No matter what. Don't let him harm himself.” I was dead serious as I said this. The worry and pain I felt inside as I said those words though was too much.

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