Chapter 37

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And we're gonna let it burn...

~•~ Chapter 37 ~•~

Next day, we got up late. Harry wanted to let us rest, since we had a tough night and we were all injured, some more heavily than the others. The fire had almost died out, a few branches still burning with grey smoke diminishing in the air above them, tiny hints of red shown through the dark ashes on the ground.

Niall has been completely quiet, not in the mood to argue with anyone over what had happened. Harry told me he and Niall fought over the idea with the bombs. Niall claimed Harry is careless and arrogant when it comes to using properly a bomb which only led to having our hideout burned to the ground. Harry on the other hand, defended himself, saying his only priority in that moment was our safety and he had no intention or knowledge of how the bombs would react next to each other.

It felt odd, seeing Harry lie down with a strange expression on his face that showed guilt, anger and sadness. I know he only meant good and the pressure of the situation only added to his fear that if he lost any more time, we wouldn't know where to go to save ourselves from the incoming zombies, that were too many for us to handle by using our guns. The amount of bullets we would lose to take each one of them down would be uncountable and Harry couldn't risk all the bullets in one night.

On the other hand, Niall is right. Harry should've thought a better plan, but in situations like this, panic and stress won't let you think clearly. I couldn't believe that Niall and Harry weren't speaking to each other after the fight last night, that I lost due to being unconscious. My heart felt for my man, who looked devastated with thoughts torturing his head during the night.

I managed to make him feel better by pointing out the positive outcome of what had happened. We were alive, safe and together. We still had supplies, tents and guns. The injuries are bearable. That's what matters the most. Harry hugged me tightly after I told him all that and that he is a great leader, thanking me for being by his side no matter what.

However when we woke up, he had a blank expression and no mood to say much. I didn't press him though, I know he hates showing off his feelings in front of others, so I respected that. Seeing Niall being with his arms crossed and his lips pursed together in frustration only made me angry at him for being so harsh towards Harry.

My eyes landed on the person I wanted to have a word with, frustration coursing over me, heat appearing in my cheeks. He walked casually towards the trees, holding my gun in his hand as if it was his own property. I inhaled deeply, preparing myself for his cocky stupid behavior. I'm not holding myself if he says anything rude to me though, I will definitely punch him if he tries to test me.

Ι walked towards him, my hands curling into fists as I tried not to snap at him from the start of the conversation I would try to have with the douche. He reminds me so much of my ex, he used to be as cocky and ignorant as Ed. He was looking around, back facing me.

I cleared my throat loudly when I approached him, making him slowly turn to give me a bored look, his expression already irritating me, but I held my composure. "I believe you have something that's mine." I stated dryly, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Was." He said with a cocked brow, having the nerve to adjust the gun in his hands right in front of my face.

Stay calm. "The gun is mine, it was specifically designed for me only, it has my name on it, so it's still mine." I reasoned confidently, resting one hand on my hip, my other hand curled into a fist. Oh how I wish I could punch him with that fist.

He made a careless face, shaking his head, "You got plenty of guns, this one's mine now." he stated gruffly, making my eyes harden at him.

"Give me my gun, Ed." I scolded, the anger slowly taking its toll on me. If he makes this any harder, I won't hesitate to punch the fucking smug smirk off his face.

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