Chapter 75

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Give me your heart cause I ain't gonna break it...

~•~ Chapter 75 ~•~

I went crazy, every conscious act making me flinch at the vibrating pain through my body as I was forced to walk over to the SUV. Niall was thrown roughly in the other SUV, the sight having my blood boil with rage. The two soldiers pushed me in the car, my eyes immediately meeting two grey, mischievous ones.

"You." I spat angrily, struggling in the grip of the soldiers as they roughly sat me down on the seat across from dr.Pan and buckled my seatbelt.

"I'm glad to see you again, my dear." he smirked and I wish I could move my trembling hands and punch him hard in the face.

One of the soldiers reached out to cuff my hands and I nailed him hard on the crotch with my knee, sending him back with a painful groan. Pan laughed at that as the soldiers roughly pinned me against the window and cuffed my hands behind my back, the cold glass against my flushed face. I was pulled back against my seat, a stupid smirk plastered across Pan's face the entire time.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat, glaring daggers at him, wishing I could use my own eyes to chop his head off. The anger that had coursed me was indescribable in that moment.

"I already told you my project isn't finished yet until you answer the last few questions and you have been avoiding me constantly." he replied calmly, his notebook resting on his lap, his right hand holding his pen.

"You clearly don't respect the other's fucking wants." I hissed angrily just as the last soldier jumped in the SUV and shut the door.

The driver pressed on the gas and my heart started pounding louder with anxiety. I have to get out of here. I have to get Niall and find Harry. My phone is in my jacket's pocket but I can't even reach out secretly and text Harry to get him to me. The only way I can get out of here, is if I get to butthead the guard on my left and then probably handle the other two with my legs. I think Pan can't fight me so he's not a threat at all.

"This is not about wants, Claire, this is about evolution."

"This project is pointless, I'm no harm to anyone." I stated exasperatedly, rolling my eyes.

"You just killed two innocent men back there." his deep voice and true words sent chills down my spine.

I really did kill two men that were only doing their job. For some reason, I don't feel like crying my eyes out. I feel bad, sure, but not depressed about it.

"They should've listened to me." I cleared my throat, putting on a brave face.

"You have innocent blood on your hands. How can we not consider you a threat now? After being in that zone for too long, your instincts and emotions have been overweighted." he clarified, flipping through the pages of his notebook.

His eyes scanned me deeply, searching for the realest reaction through my mask. I wasn't going to let him in. He has to understand I'm not willing to speak to anyone about the abuse I had to endure.

"Leo is going to throw you in the same cell as Joffrey for kidnapping me."

"Leo ordered me to take you, either by force or will." he shocked me by confidently replied.

What? Leo agreed with this?


"It's the truth, Claire."

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