Chapter 55

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I don't trust my own shadow anymore...

~•~ Chapter 55 ~•~

Claire's POV

“Looks like you're always ending up alone, baby.”

I can feel the heat of pure vicious anger flow all over my veins as I slowly turn my head to look at him dead in the eye. Seeing him smirking at me, shamelessly, cockily and proudly only blew my mind up at how heartless and senseless some people can be. Staring at him, I can not believe that for a fucking moment, I actually believed he was nice, but hid it well.

Looks like he is a shit bag inside and very manipulative.

“And what about you, Ed?” I asked in a tight voice, “Who do you have?”

He shrugged nonchalantly before wiping the blood off his knife on his pants, “Myself, I don't need anyone.” he replied easily, looking at the knife in his hand.

A loud thunder echoed around us, making us both jump and look outside the window as the sky weirdly grew dark in a couple of seconds. The floors started to shake a bit, making me lose my balance for a moment. I swallowed thickly, realizing that this isn't just a storm coming. This looks different.

“You know I actually thought you were good.” I started to say, wanting to take all the pressure of hate for this man out of my chest as tears started to spill out of my puffy bloodshot eyes. His expression seemed to soften and switched to curious. “For a moment, I thought you were a good man. That you had some decency. I was so wrong.” I shook my head gently, clutching my gun.

“You trust too easily.” he muttered lowly.

“I haven't done anything to you! You let that fucker abuse me!” I yelled with pain shown in my voice before I could control myself.

“You expected a lot from someone you barely know.”

“Yes. I believe in redemption. But you..” I trailed off as I clenched my jaw, the anger now boiling me from inside out. “You are a cruel man. Nothing like Cole,” his eyes showed hurt once I mentioned his brother. “You deserve to die in the worst way.”

The floor shook again as loud thunders repeatedly echoed in the sky, sounding like bombs exploding, making us both jump again and look bewildered around us. The door behind Ed shut closed by itself, causing him to stumble a few steps forward in shock. The ceiling vibrated, traces of dirt falling off it. The tension in the air was obvious as we shared glares.

“Don’t compare me to my brother.” Ed spat aggressively.

“Right, I shouldn't, you're not to be compared to him, he deserves so much while you don't.” I shot coldly, holding my head up confidently. 

His jaw slacked in anger as he started to walk towards me slowly, making me lift my gun and aim at him through my blurry vision. He stopped in his tracks and gave me an offended look. “Cole would never forgive you.” he had the audacity to say to me, feeding my anger.

“If you expect me to care, you're wrong.”

“You can't live with guilt.”

Swallowing thickly, I know deep down that he is right; that guilt always ate me alive but there are some things that I have to go do if I want to survive. Just like Ed. I should stop being so kind and genuine and look for myself instead of my humane ways. Life is tough, it's always been and it will keep on being like that because everything seems to get even more fucked up ever since the zombies came. I have a chance to survive this through, or die.

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