Chapter 61

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Cause I been on the road....

~•~ Chapter 61 ~•~

"Okay guys, let's go." Harry ordered strictly.

Next day we were all pretty much better physically since we rested the whole day and night. It was a waste of time, somehow, but nobody was actually in the mood to move on. Plus, no matter how long Harry tried to talk to the guys, they all wanted privacy and sent him off. It was so sad, seeing him walk out of each tent with desperation in his pale emerald eyes. The boys treated him harshly and it started to bother me.

A lot.

However, we all managed to pick ourselves and our stuff and move on. It felt so wrong, leaving Louis' behind, but it's what we have to do. None of the boys talked, not even Thomas who seemed kinda fine yesterday. Taking a step back and staring at my group walking lifelessly down the path with their heads low, it looked like they were zombies. How ironic, right?

Sighing, I followed after Harry. He had this cold mask on today, as if he was blocking everyone out, including me. But I know him, I know he is a pro at hiding his feelings and this is not new to me. There is no way I will make a scene about him being silent and blank. He has issues, he has everything right to be like that.

The boys however, shouldn't be like that to him.

It's not like none of us had to go through absolute shit that past days. Not to be selfish or anything, but I do have the worst of the worst, and I didn't blame anyone. Besides Ed, who was actually the helper of my abuse. But besides him, I didn't blame Zayn for running off in the without telling me, I didn't blame Harry for not being able to lift me off the cliff and I didn't blame any of the boys for not finding me earlier.

Louis killed himself and that's all on him.

None of us have anything to do with that. We were all far away, lost, with our problems and the boys now act as if Harry should've known where Louis was. His watch was broken either way, so there was no way we could find him besides searching for him constantly, which is something the boys did, but they just weren't lucky enough.

But being the stubborn, outraged men they are, they are blinded by their grief and fury and they just have to blame someone. And Harry being the one in charge, the one responsible for all of us, is the perfect victim. It's so unfair and it kills me to see Harry being ignored and pushed away by his best friends.

The frustration swallowing me up was intensifying by the second. I held my gun firmly in my hands and stared at my bruises all over my hands. I don't know how long it will take for them to completely disappear off my skin. Now that I think about it, I don't know how long it will take for me to spiritually, physically and mentally heal after all of this. And there's this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that had me uncomfortable. The birth control pills mixed with all those medicines Liam has given me will probably make me sick in the end.

Suddenly a loud sound came from behind me, making me swing around and look over at the fallen shampoo that escaped my campbag due to the rip at the edge. Zayn bent down and picked it up before handing it to me, his caramel sad eyes making my heart melt awfully.

I forced a smile, “Thanks.” I murmured.

“Yeah, no worries.” he whispered, looking away. His face was still bruised, his eye still busted and swollen, but the cuts all over his face and neck had healed.

“How are you?” I asked slowly as he started walking by my side. Harry glanced over his shoulder at us, a blank expression on his face before he focused ahead.

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