Chapter 18

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If I'm gon’ kill for you...

~•~ Chapter 18 ~•~

A few minutes later, I could finally make out the cabin through the tall trees in the distance. I have been carrying the campbag for way too long and I could feel my back sore. Cole and Ed were talking between them but of course I couldn't hear anything.

Harry and Louis were stiff and watching Cole and Ed talking. Niall and Zayn were actually having a decent conversation without being rude to each other. I suppose Niall had calmed down now, slowly accepting the fact that he got blinded. Liam and Ashton were just watching around while me and Thomas kept checking up the trees and the back.

It feels as if we're here in this place for 3 days, when in reality, the sun still hasn't moved at all. Maybe that's why Cole was confused as to how long he's been in here. Because it never grows dark, so it feels like a never ending day.

“I need a hot shower right now,” Thomas beside me mumbled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

“Yeah, me too, but I doubt if the cabin actually has warm water.” I muttered, adjusting the strap of my campbag on my shoulder. It started to cut my skin.

“Or clear.” Ashton turned to look at us, a blank expression on his face.

I shrugged, “Well, we have the river, at least.” I suggested, although I am not sure of how clear the water is.

“I’m hungry, man.” Thomas whined, looking down at the ground.

“Just wait till we get to the cabin, then we'll probably get a break.” I huffed.

“Yeah right, what if there are zombies in there and we don't get to go inside at all?” Ashton said, cocking a brow at me.

“That’s exactly why we have the campbags. We got tents.” Liam cut in, sounding bored.

“Right.” Ashton nodded.

“Take knee!” Harry ordered, sending tiny jolts of panic through me.

Immediately, we all moved towards the bushes and kneeled down, aiming ahead. Thomas beside me must have hit hard the ground with his knees, cause he hissed and grumbled something under his breath.

I peered through the bush. I could see the cabin and five zombies walking around carelessly, without a reason or a specific destination. Two of them had missing limbs and one of them was just standing and staring up at the sky.

What had my stomach twisted upside down though, was the massive number of skulls lying down on the ground around the cabin. I could feel shivers all the way from the back of my neck down my spine at the number of skeletons and skulls spread around.

Too many people have died here.

“What the actual fuck?” Louis hissed, staring ahead with wide eyes.

“Was it the zombies?” Ashton asked from my right, glancing at Liam.

“I don't know, I can't tell for sure.” Liam replied thoughtfully.

“What? What is it?” Niall asked, staring unseeingly ahead. My heart cracked.

“A graveyard.” Louis replied dryly.

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