Chapter 43

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I rise from my scars...

~•~ Chapter 43 ~•~

Claire's POV

The cold pressure against my lips as wind was blown through my mouth had me gasping for air, my eyes flicking open in shock as a bright burn travelled down my chest. My eyes took a few good seconds to adjust before I took in the person hovering above me, his face right in front of me, his lips inches away from mine. Ed looked at me with a deep frown, his green eyes full of emotion, cuts all over his face bleeding, hair wet and stuck to the side.

I instantly shove his chest back with both hands, breathing heavily as I looked around at the trees. A sharp pain was sent through the back of my head at the sudden movement. My legs were in the water due to my position near the river, my entire soaked body shivering as cold wind blew over me. Ed shook his head as he sat on his knees from beside me, a bitter expression crossing his face.

“What the fuck?!” I shrieked, spitting the remaining water that was in my mouth as I sat up.

“Yeah, you're welcome,” he grumbled sharply, rolling his eyes before running a hand through his wet hair. His entire torso was soaked in blood, a few cuts on his arms as well. He looked very dirty and wounded.

I ignored his words, scrunching my lips in disgust as the metalic scent of blood hit my nostrils intently. As I was about to shift on to my feet, a loud yelp came past my lips as my knee hurt me terribly. I hissed loudly through clenched teeth, hovering my trembling hands over my bleeding knee as I examined it. The cut was deep and I had to stitch it up otherwise it could get infected and things could turn out horrible.

I noticed the few cuts all over my arms as well, my body shivering again at the cold breeze hugging me. I looked around with wide eyes, trying to recognize my surroundings but nothing seemed familiar although I could see trees everywhere and the river in front of me slowly running.

“What happened?”

“Your loving man couldn't pull us up the cliff so we fell into the river and nearly died.” he replied dryly, “You were dead when I pulled you out the water. I did CPR on you.” he added lowly, making my eyebrows shoot skywards in surprise.

What? He actually did save me? What the hell?

I frowned sadly as I remembered what had happened. Harry couldn't hold me properly, which led me to falling down the cliff and into the river. Then everything blacked out. I pulled my lips into my mouth, too annoyed of the whole situation to thank Ed for saving my life.

“Where are we?” I muttered shakily, feeling the itch of my blood soaked hair that stuck on my cheeks intensify. I pushed my hair away with my fingers, huffing in annoyance.

“Honestly, I have no fucking idea.” Ed replied with a heavy sigh, making me look at him in confusion and doubt, his gaze light on me.

“You're kidding me now right?”

“Do I look like I am?” he retaliated sarcastically as I rubbed the back of my head where it hurt. “I don't know where exactly we are, but we need to move. It's growing dark.” he said, looking up at deep orange sky that slowly started to transform into deep purple as the sun settled down.

I felt my chest tighten as more memories rushed into me. Louis and Zayn falling off the cliff, Harry yelling at me to drop Ed, rocks falling in the water all over me. I shuddered as I realized we are lost and probably far away from the others. I instantly lifted my left wrist, ready to press the button to communicate with the boys only to find the screen covered in two large cracks and dripping water.

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