Chapter 7

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~•~ Chapter 7 ~•~

Next day we were called to meet at the main tower, where we would be informed about our new weaponry and zone details. It's a very different raid from the rest and we had to be prepared for everything. I am very anxious about what we will confront once we step our foot in that zone, but I can't coward out. I have to be brave, like I always have been, not only for me, but for my team as well, Harry mostly.

"After the meeting, we're going for practice." Harry told me as we entered the Jeep. I nodded and shut the door.

We got Niall, Thomas and Ashton, as their house was on our way. They all looked much calmer and better than the last time we were heading to the main tower for the meeting. I believe It has sank into our brains already that we are going far away from home, from security, to something unknown, something dangerous. Despite that, they didn't talk much either. I really don't know why this happens when we have to go to an important event. We all grow silent in the car, as if we are having Leo talking to us in that moment.

"So...what do you think we'll have?" I asked, breaking the stupid silence in the car. Harry chuckled, obviously aware of my frustration over the silence.

"I have no idea, to be honest, I just wish it's something cool," Ashton replied first, his Australian accent clear.

"And light." Niall added coolly, arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm actually excited to see what Leo has ready for us. I bet it will be extraordinary." Thomas said.

"I just hope they are easy to understand," I admitted.

"They will be." Niall said smugly, smirking.

I huffed, "Of course they will be for you, you're the master of guns." I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad for you," He joked, making us lightly laugh.

Well, this is much better than silence.

Once we arrived, we all hoped out of the Jeep and met with the others. Zayn and Louis were messing with each other like kids, laughing and pushing, while Liam stood behind serious, looking at them like he is their dad. I couldn't help but laugh at Liam's face. Thomas and Niall talked along with Ashton while Harry and I approached Liam.

"Can't handle them anymore?" Harry chuckled, giving Liam a fist bump.

"Never could, actually." Liam pursed his lips, shaking his head. "They are full of life and joy, who am I to tell them not to enjoy life?"

"You're right." I nodded, Liam smiling softly at me.

"You may enter the office." A blond green eyed soldier told us, face serious. I remember this guy, he helped us back in the hideout.

"Thanks, Luke." Harry patted Luke's shoulder as he walked by and we all followed him pursuit.

We were led to a massive crowded office, with many computers and projectors, soldiers and people behind the screens wearing headphones and micros. A large plasma TV was hanging on the wall and two comfortable brown couches were in front of it. A round tall white table was in between, where a notebook and a pen were resting on. This must be the control room where they check out everything and iinform every base.

“Well hello to our heroes,” Leo walked in, a bright smile across his face. We all waved and greeted him, “Take a seat please, this will take a while.”

I sat between Harry and Zayn, Ashton next to Zayn, while on the other couch Louis, Liam and Thomas sat by. Anxiousness already creeped up in the pit of my stomach and I tried to control myself from asking too many questions. I was really eager to know more.

The CuredOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora