Chapter 16

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Cause I'm alone you see...

~•~ Chapter 16 ~•~


I've had to see one for months. I remember how it was to face more than one every day, but after all these months of being away from the torture and the hunt it felt odd seeing one in front of me.

The shudders that ran down my spine were real. Liam got up, wiping the blood off his mask with his sleeve. My body was stiff and I felt Niall beside me shift his weight from one foot to the other awkwardly.

“So he ate his buddy?” Louis said, cocking his brows.

“Probably.” Liam shrugged.

Louis shot the other guy’s head swiftly, making me jump. Harry turned to give him a blank look while Ed and Cole looked shocked. “Really?” Harry said.

“Just to make sure he doesn't wake up.” Louis innocently replied.

“That was a waste of bullet.” Ashton pointed out but Louis shrugged nonchalantly.

“Let’s keep moving, watch out for the forest in case you see anything coming out.” Harry instructed, adjusting the strap of his campbag on his shoulder.

We all nodded and waited for the two brothers ahead to keep moving. Ed bent down and searched the soldiers’ bodies, taking out a gun and checking for bullets. “Just three.” he breathed before tucking the gun in his waistband.

Harry gave us a cautious look which literally told us to stay alarmed on him. Cole lead the way and we all followed. I moved a bit slower as I had to hold Niall, who seemed very awkward and pissed. I don't know what to say to break the tension between us, because I can feel he hates being in this position.

“Remember the first time we met?” he spoke before I could think of anything to say.

The memory flashed behind my eyes of him turning back to look at me from the passenger’s seat after Harry had saved me. “Yeah, of course.”

“Remember what I had told you?” he lightly chuckled. I carefully helped him walk down a few rocks without tripping.

“That you could see through my clothes?” I said, giggling at the memory.

He let a small laugh, making Zayn and Louis turn to look at him with crooked smiles. “Yeah, look at me now. Can't see shit.” Niall spat, slightly harshly.

My stomach twisted uncomfortably. “You're gonna be fine, Niall.” I assured.

“How do you know?” he sighed.

“If I can see after what happened, you will eventually.” I tried to find a good excuse and I think it pretty much sums it up.

He scoffed before shaking his head, “I don't think so, Claire.”

“Here, let me,” Liam offered, grabbing Niall’s arm. I helped Niall shift to Liam’s body. Niall sighed in frustration and I could tell he held back a few cuss words. I went back to my spot, next to Thomas.

The sun was burning very much, to the point that I was sweating so much and my throat felt dry. I had emptied two bottles of water in the past ten minutes and the boys had done the same as well. Ashton and Zayn shared their bottles with Ed and Cole because they were just as thirsty as us.

“How far is this fucking cabin?” Louis whined, scrunching his eyebrows.

“It's just a few more minutes away,” Cole panted, the sun getting him tired.

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