Chapter 41

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I said I'd catch you if you fall....

~•~ Chapter 41 ~•~

“No! Louis!” I heard Liam shout in terror, while my eyes got blurry with burning tears.

My grip on Thomas’ arm loosened as the shock hit me hard, only for him to slide his hand down my arm and take hold of my own firmly. He guided me towards where the boys ran off to, but I saw the tears rolling down his flushed cheeks as he tried his best not to break down and keep on running.

The crack grew deeper and longer, causing the hill to break in two, slowly falling apart. I noticed the heavy rocks falling along at the bottom of the waterfalls, a few trees being ripped off their roots due to the vibration and natural destruction the earthquake caused.

I ran towards the edge, slowing down my pace to make sure I don't have the same end with Louis. My broken heart throbbed as I neared, Thomas sobbing beside me, never letting go of my hand. As rocks fell all over us, I swiftly looked at the bottom of the cliff. The tears burned my eyes when all I saw was raw waves of the river and rocks splashing into the water. Louis was nowhere.

“Claire come on!” Thomas tugged at me, bringing me back on track harshly. I chocked on a sob as I tried to breathe and keep up with his pace, my knee screaming at me to lie down and stop putting pressure on it, but I completely ignored the physical pain and only focused on the mental one, as it was intensifying by the second.

“Fuck!” I heard Zayn curse, letting go of Niall and stepping to the side to dodge a large rock that rolled towards him. He carelessly moved his arms and legs, wild caramel eyes wide as he turned around and came to an abrupt halt when he was inches away from falling off the cliff himself.

“Zayn!” Liam yelled, still running with Niall by his side, head turned to the side to look bewildered at Zayn who tried to catch his breath and take a step back, his boots slipping on the edge as the ground shook violently again.

I am taken aback when I see Ed running back, heading towards Zayn with incredible speed. Cole was absolutely petrified, Harry tugging him along by the elbow forcefully. A few rocks had Ed stumbling and skipping, but he managed to get to Zayn fast. Thomas and I were getting  near, the anticipation and fear eating me alive.

“Ah fuck!” Thomas hissed painfully as a rock hit him in the back and then is when I saw the blood running down his side through the bandage and shirt. My eyes widened in shock, the worry and devastation overwhelming me instantly. His stitches had been opened and that was dangerous for him.

My eyes flickered on Zayn who fell on his butt and tried to crawl away from the edge with his hands flat down, only for the ground to crack and slowly collapse beneath him. Panic rushed through my veins, having me increase the speed and try to get to him. “Thomas get Loki and run!” I yelled, jerking my hand away from his and leaving him behind.

“No! Claire don't!” I heard him shout but I ignored him and focused on helping Zayn.

Just as Ed approached Zayn, he bent to grab him, but the broken piece of ground slid to the front, having them both slipping and falling down. Zayn tried to hold himself on the ground by stabbing it deeply with an arrow, his fist clutching it tightly in desperation. Ed was on his back, covering his face with his arms to avoid any hits from the incoming large rocks.

My eyes met Harry's worried emerald green ones, who begged me to stay put as he ran towards me. The wind blowing right against my face made it difficult for me to take proper breaths and fill my lungs with enough oxygen, so I slightly ducked my head to avoid the pressure. When I approached Ed and Zayn, my feet shook against the collapsing piece of ground. Ed cursed beside me as he tried to stand up. Zayn gave me a wild look, lips parting to shout at me.

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