Chapter 52

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I'll be with you from dusk till dawn...

~•~ Chapter 52 ~•~

Harry's POV

The annoying sound of the alarm went off for the third time, making me groan in irritation. I looked up at the bright blue sky decorated with a few yellow clouds as the sun was setting up. Another day that I will search for my lost soldiers with fear drowning in my chest.

I sighed as I swung around from my spot, sending a stern look at the boys who were all lying on the ground, absolutely exhausted from yesterday and ignoring the alarm once more. Loki was lying beside Niall, who was snorting loudly in his sleep. Liam was lying on his side, Thomas as well, while Cole was curled up in the corner of the cave. It's fucking incredible how deep in their sleep these guys are, they didn't even hear the alarm going off three times.

After checking out my watch for any notification of connection from the others’ one last time and coming up with the same fucking result of nothing, I retreated back to the cave lazily. “Come on guys, get up, it's time to move.” I said firmly, raising my voice as I clapped repeatedly.

Thomas winced and scrunched his face before he mumbled, “5 more minutes.”

“Nope, you already slept an extra half hour.” I argued strictly. I have to be tough when it comes to following our schedule. “Get up.” I demanded, hearing their low protests as I lifted my camp bag.

“What day is it?” Liam murmured skeptically as he rubbed his right eye.

“The day you need to get the hell up, come on.” I urged, huffing at how slow they all were at waking up and getting prepared.

“Jesus, stop the whining.” Niall grumbled as he sat up, Loki yawning beside him, first sticking its tongue out and showing off his sharp teeth.

I looked up at the sky in pure frustration, keeping it together and trying my best not to bark at them for being so lazy today. I totally understand that they're both physically and mentally tired, but we must keep looking. Looking back at them with a vexed glare, I saw Thomas pushing himself up to his feet, while Liam stretched his arms and reached for his bag. Niall was hugging Loki’s neck, who seemed to enjoy the love he received, while Cole was still deep in his sleep.

That cunt has no reason to be tired. He basically does nothing, so he should be the first to get up and actually help us with something.

Walking towards him, I completely ignore the small jokes Thomas and Liam laughed at and took a deep breath to control my anger. Approaching his lying body, I brushed my hands across my jeans and crouched down behind him.

“Cole, wake up.” I said monotonously, trying not to let the anger show off in my voice. He didn't move but a sudden loud snort came and I actually did jerk back a bit.

I rolled my eyes and leaned closer to him before placing my palm on his shoulder and shaking him, rather harshly. “Cole get up.” I ordered tightly, making his eyes snap open.

White lifeless eyes with blue veins met my shocked green ones as I pulled my hand away from him, my entire body tingling with horror as I took in the terrifying transition that I couldn't believe. He opened his bleeding mouth and screamed at me, his entire face pale and skinnier. His scream was so loud and full of agony and had the boys swinging around and gazing over at us in bewilderement.

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