Chapter 64

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Light it up...on the run...

~•~ Chapter 64 ~•~

“Why? Why do I have to stay back?!” Niall asked in irritation.

“Because they have to take care of your eyes - maybe they'll have a cure for the blindness, too.” Zayn replied, kinda sarcastically.

Niall rolled his eyes and sighed out of frustration, “I'm so out of this raid, I don't participate in almost anything.” he grumbled as he leaned against the wall behind him.

I felt bad for Niall, his face literally dropped when Harry said he has to stay with the doctors. However, he had every reason to let Niall behind, we couldn't risk him on a floor full of zombies.

“It's not your fault, Niall, but you have to stay safe and stick with Liam.” Harry insisted smoothly.

“Loki bud, come here.” Thomas whistled, patting his thighs as Loki ran back to him.

“Fine, but Loki stays with me.” Niall pointed blindly towards Zayn although he wanted to point at Harry. I fought the sad smile and just looked away as Harry just pressed his lips together.

“Alright, it's better if you have someone alerting you.” Harry agreed with a shrug.

“Uh, sir, should we go?” The blonde guy, Richard, asked awkwardly, holding his gun loosely in his hand.

“Yes, lead the way,” Harry nodded before reaching out for Liam, who he had positioned sitting on the ground against a wall.

Thomas helped him as we all stood up straight and positioned our guns right. Zayn  was going to guide Niall now as Richard and the redhead, Barry, led us down to another hallway, our footsteps being loud in the quiet room. The lights were too bright for my eyes that I had to actually squint my eyes. Something in my gut started to kick in nervously and again, the warning feeling appeared.

Oh fuck.

As we reached the doors, Richard pushed in a password in the code box before they opened automatically. Walking into another long hallway, I almost gagged at the metallic familiar disgusting scent. It was impossible to not notice the differences. The walls were darker, with many blood prints all over, along with blood stains on the floor. Some lights were broken, flicking constantly. Richard and Barry both slowed down their pace as we got to the end of the hallway and they checked both ways before nodding to each other and moving on the right.

“I got a bad feeling about this.” Thomas murmured loud enough so only our group could hear, minus the guards at the front.

“Me too.” I  swallowed thickly.

“Stay focused, we've done this a million times before.” Harry kept his voice low and smooth.

Barry turned to look at us, “We'll go this way to the main center,” he pointed at the door down the hall. “So we can watch you through the cameras and control the doors to help you.”

“Sounds good.” Niall said easily.

“Just - be careful - there are a lot of them.” Richard warned, sending us worried looks.

“Do you have any idea what is going on outside of this fucking lab?” Niall grumbled sarcastically.

The two unaware innocent guys looked at each other with awkward faces. “Uh, no.” Richard replied shortly.

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