Chapter 74

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You know all the right things to say...

~•~ Chapter 74 ~•~

Two days later.

Walking down the street with determination flooding through me, all I could think of was the most comfortable things to say to Thomas when I see him. We haven't spoken since he said that dumb stupidity in front of Harry, because Thomas doesn't dare to visit me at all, knowing Harry would gladly smash his head through the door without a second chance.

But Thomas can't hide forever and I can't lose my best friend for such a stupid pointless thing.

I know Zayn is not home, he went out with Niall, so that makes me even more comfortable. I told Harry this morning I would visit Thomas and he wasn't pleased at all, but he did look careless at the end. He knows there is no way I would let him tell me who to see and what to do. Harry never really liked Thomas completely, I still remember how cold he was at the beginning of our training back at the hideout, so it's not a shock that he reacted ike that.

Once I got to his house, I felt slightly awkward and nervous, even though there is no reason I should. But something deep inside of me, told me that this isn't going to end up well. And fuck, why does that feeling always come out right? My sixth sense never betrayed me.

Ignoring the warning feeling in the pit of my stomach, I rang the doorbell. In a matter of seconds, I could hear Loki barking from behind the door, the sound bringing a smile to my face. The door opened and an excited Loki jumped on me, wagging his tail and licking my boots. I grinned happily, crouching down and scratching him behind the ears.

“Hi, handsome, I missed you, you're so cute!” I couldn't help the change of my voice to sweet. It's just something I do when I see dogs. Loki ran in circles around me, jumping on me and making me laugh.

“I missed you, too, hottie.” Thomas joked from the doorway, giving me a look.

I chuckled and stood up, throwing my fist forward and punching his shoulder lightly. He flinched away and gave me a weird look, “What the hell?” he asked me as I walked in.

“That's for saying I hooked up with Zayn.” I shot, taking off my jacket.

He scoffed and closed the door after Loki ran inside. “I was literally saying the wrong thing the wrong time.” He stated, leading me to the living room.

My heart clenched painfully when I saw the picture of Louis hanging on the wall. It was a picture Niall took without Louis knowing. Louis had his chin dipped in cheddar sauce and his hair was a mess but his stunning smile made him look so handsome. There was another picture of Ashton next to Louis, where Ashton just stares and smiles at the camera, wearing a red bandana to keep the long blonde hair away from his face.

Thomas noticed me staring at the pictures, “Niall said he's going to fill a part of the wall with pictures of all of us.” he informed me and I smiled at the idea.

“That's so sweet.” I commented, turning on my heel and taking a sip at the couch. “You know Louis would've sued Niall for hanging that picture of him on the wall, right?”

He laughed, lying down comforfably on the couch with Loki jumping on his lap. “Definitely. I could hear them arguing, actually.” he said, making me laugh.

However, my heart cried. I wish the people in the pictures were actually here and not just presented as a memory.

“So, anything to drink or eat?” he asked, trying to  stop our mood from falling to hell.

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