Chapter 66

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You can't judge me at least I tried...

~•~ Chapter 66 ~•~

We must have been one hour in the room before the zombies eventually forgot about us and completely calmed down from banging effortlessly at the door. Harry and Thomas were both counting their bullets and discussing the plan while Zayn and I just sat on the stools, not talking at all.

Every time I looked over at him, he had this cold facade and avoided my gaze. I was growing very frustrated with his attitude, but I seriously wasn't in the mood to talk about this. It's probably just the stress and grief that has been fucking up his mind. I know Zayn wouldn't act like that if there wasn't a good reason and to be honest, I don't care to find out what that reason is.

"If I send you down, will you manage to outrun them?" I heard Harry ask Thomas from my left.

"I-I can try." Thomas replied nervously.

"Fuck it, I'll figure out something else." Harry instantly dropped the idea, knowing damn well Thomas probably wouldn't get the chance to reach the bottom floor without being caught by the zombies.

"We could - we could tell Richard to use an alarm to take them away!" Thomas suggested over excitedly, hope shown in his voice.

"That sounds safe." I agreed, turning to look at both men.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, hold that thought. How many arrows do you still have, Zayn?" he asked.

Zayn lifted his head and gave Harry a blank, emotionless look. "Four." he replied flatly.


"Two full bullet cases."

"Good. Zayn will cover us up," Harry announced in a very cold tone that had my own stomach twisting uncomfortably. Looking between the two men, I realized they were both masking their real emotions and just showing off the anger. But why?

"Why are you even so fed up with this? It's not like we have many options." Zayn muttered monotonously with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Harry's green eyes hardened with annoyance as he walked over to where I am sitting, placing both hands on the back of my chair. "I'm trying to find the safest way, Z, what are you doing about it?" he challenged darkly.

In a matter of seconds, the tension was rebuilt. Thomas seemed nervous as he leaned against the bookcase, fidgeting with his gun. Zayn looked fearless and determined to speak blatantly and shamelessly, raising his chin in confidence.

"I'm accepting the fact that I might die in this building. Have you done that?" he narrowed his caramel eyes as he entwined his hands on top of the table.

My heart clenched as his words about accepting death back when we had that conversation replayed in my heas. I know he is right, because let's face it, we are not on a happy trip and we already lost two precious friends, one is blind and the other one might never wake up again. We can't really sugarcoat everything that's going on around us.

"No. Because nobody is dying today." Harry's voice grew deeper and stronger as it boomed on top of me, showing off power.

"You mean, nobody else." Zayn spat bitterly, making my breath hitch in my throat. Thomas bit his lower lip, a sad look spreading over his face.

I'm offended and hurt that he turns now all the deaths on Harry, as if trying to imply that it was his fault we lost two soldiers. "Zayn, don't do this shit. You said you wouldn't." I snapped, sending him a warning look.

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