Chapter 47

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And if I have to go, I will...

~•~ Chapter 47 ~•~

Louis' POV

I hissed angrily, squinting my eyes in the sun, as I limped on top of the rocks, pressing my palm against the open, bleeding wound on my thigh, my other free hand pushing away the brunches so I can walk through. The pain that had taken over my leg was indescribable and the heat was burning ever so bright down on me, I felt dizzy and dehydrated.

With no bags, food or tent, I had only my gun hanging over my shoulder, a knife in my boot and one bulletcase on my waistband. I lost everything when I practically committed suicide by running towards the fucking cliff. I hadn't even seen the edge, because I had Loki moving all over my face when I carried him. However, I'm glad I managed to throw him instead of taking him down with me.

I winced as a strong jolt of pain was sent through my leg, my entire sweaty face scrunched up. I pushed my way through the flowers and leaves, my entire body heating up as the sun burned mercilessly down on me, draining me completely. I was dirty, covered in filth and blood and I fucking hated the smell of shit that was around me.

Where the fuck did I get myself into?

I'm such a fucking dumbass some times, I swear.

"Ow!" I groaned when yet another jolt of pain took over my leg, having me stumbling on my feet on top of a few dry leaves that crackled under my boots.

All of a sudden, I heard a growl from behind the bush, my stomach churning in disgust and hate at the sound. With vicious eyes, I slowly turned my head, glaring at the two lifeless eyes that stared hungrily back at me through the leaves. Inhaling deeply through my nose, I tightened my fingers around my gun, ready for the attack.

Just as the zombie emerged through the bush, holding his arms forward, reaching for me with his dirty hands, I lifted my gun upwards, slamming it over his jaw, making him scream in pain, his head tilting backwards as he stumbled. The sound of the impact was so loud, it made me flinch when a crack followed. Just as he was about to attack me again, I bent down and pulled the knife out of my boot before swiftly striking his chest, making the motherfucker scream loudly in pain.

“Shh - be quiet - you fuck!” I hissed at him, aware that he has absolutely no fucking idea what I'm saying. Pulling the knife out of his chest, blood dripped on my hand and on the ground, before I stabbed his jaw, seeing the knife appear through his tongue as he held his mouth open that was soon filled with dark red blood.

Gagging at the sight, I pulled the knife out, a wet thunk reaching my ears, blood spritzing all over me as the zombie fell on the ground with a loud thud. Looking at his ugly face made me only want to spit on him. Thanks to zombies, I'm trapped in a fucking shield with no food or water and in danger. All of that, because the world is too fucking stupid to find a better solution than sending idiots like us to fight for them and eventually end up dead with no fucking conclusion in the end.

As more growls and screams of dry excitement were heard, I felt infuriated. Those bastards just love following whatever they hear. I should've stabbed that zombie in the head instead of the jaw, I would've been invisible now, not chased to get eaten for damn lunch.

Looking around, I tried to find a way that could get me close to the river. I need the water to heal my wounds if I want to make it out alive. My leg hurt me terribly every time I stepped on it, my wound shouting at me to stop. But hell, I couldn't stop, I don't want to die, not in this place, not by a fucking zombie.

Frantically pushing through the leaves around me, I limped as fast as I could away from the incoming voices, knowing they were coming near. Cursing under my breath, I swiftly wiped the blood off my knife on my shirt, the awful smell intensifying immediately.

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