Chapter 11

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~•~ Chapter 11 ~•~

The moment the alarm woke us up, I had a terrible ache in my stomach. All this anxiety, fear and stress were killing me from inside and air hadn't even left the house yet. Harry got up and got ready very fast, saying he has to do something and he'll be back so we can go to the main Tower. I didn't ask him much, I was too sleepy and clouded to think clearly.

I splashed warm water all over my face, my skin instantly relaxing at the contact. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair before going for a wee. Once I was ready, I walked back to my bedroom with my toothbrush, tooth cream and hairbrush in my hands. I threw them into my backbag and checked if there was anything I forgot to put in.

“Charger, flashlight, undies, socks, pants, tampons..” I murmured, reading down the list I had written last night so I won't forget anything.

I made sure I had taken everything necessary with me before zipping the backbag. Sighing, I looked over at my books placed on the nightstand. Liam had given me those when we first came here. He knew I needed somehing to take my mind off of Harry who was left behind. These were some of the last books that weren't destroyed in the fire. They weren't that interesting to me, most of them were about biology but what else could I do to forget time.

I slipped on my black leggings and black tee, with a black sweater on top. I know we will change at the main Tower and wear special suits so I didn't mind what to wear. Tying my hair up in a bun in front of the mirror, all I could see was the few scars on my neck and ear. War scars. Not that visible but with the bright lightning of the sun coming down on me you could make them out.

I absolutely hated the gut wrecking feeling I had. I don't know why I am that anxious, I have my best friends and my boyfriend with me, we have been through so much, I know we will be okay, but there was something deep down into heart that was already trembling with fear.

“Goodbyes are always hard,” Liam said. He was absolutely right about it. Saying goodbye not only to friends, but to the routine of being happy and calm and going straight to a dangerous raid that nobody knows what holds up for us.

I sat down on the bed and out my trey socks on. I checked the time on my phone, it was 07:22am. We have to leave in thirty minutes so I hope Harry won't take long to finish whatever he has to do. I am not that eager to know what it is, my mind is mostly worried about the raid to care about anything else.

I looked outside the window, most of the clouds were gone and the sky looked brighter today. I'm glad it's not raining and I hope it won't be raining either later when we arrive at Salt Sea Recreation Area. I stood up and checked Harry’s backbag as well, making sure he didn't miss anything. He left the house pretty fast so he could have not seen something and left it back.

It seems that he hadn't seen that I had fresh socks in the last drawer since two days ago and he took only five with him. Rolling my eyes, I put ten more, since our backbags are big enough and God knows when we will return back. The need of new clothes is real on raids, I know that very well.

A few minutes later, I heard the front door shut. I walked out of the room and went to the staircase, only to freeze when I saw him coming up; with a new haircut. 

His eyes locked on mine as I literally stared at him with wide eyes. “What?” he chuckled, noticing my surprise.

“Wow.” I blurt, taking in every detail of his face. He had cut his hair a lot, so now it was pushed back like a loose quiff. The change was big for me.

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