Chapter 13

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Who gon' pray for me..

~•~ Chapter 13 ~•~

The grass felt soft and wet as we moved further. One glance back at the rainbow shield had my stomach twisting uncomfortably. Harry was beside me, holding his large gun in his hands. Niall on my right was looking around while Louis hummed a beat lowly on Harry's left. The forest seemed quiet and peaceful but I know better than to judge a book by its cover.

"This seems so normal." Thomas commented from behind me.

"Too normal." Liam agreed.

"Maybe the zone doesn't cause any change inside to the environment. Maybe it just disables signal." Liam said.

"You are 300 meters away from the war zone. Be careful once you get close, a lot of soldiers said they couldn't see clearly."

"Roger." Harry nodded curtly.

"Alright fellas, if you see anything weird you better inform me calmly otherwise I might shit myself." Louis said, making Thomas and Ashton laugh, while Niall just chuckled.

"I don't think it's the best time to joke, Louis." Liam spat.

"Who said I'm joking, Payne?" Louis replied bitterly.

"Hey, shut the fuck up both of you, alright?" Zayn cut in, glaring at both of them. "Stay focused."

"Thank God." Harry murmured behind me, glancing at the sky.

"Don't you talk to me like that, Zayn." Louis spat lowly.

Zayn didn't reply but one glance from my shoulder told me he just rolled his eyes. We moved further into the forest and again, it felt quiet peaceful and normal. There was nothing that caught my eye or made me feel differently than outside the shield. The sun was burning down on us and I could feel my back starting to sweat. I'd like to believe this suit is sweat proof.

Harry got a bit further in front of us, moving his gun as he looked around, always armed and ready. I placed my hand on my waistband, remembering that I had plenty of ways to defend myself this time.

"Stop," Harry raised his hand, coming to a halt. We all stopped and went silent and listened. There was a soft sound of waves crashing in the distance, followed by birds chirping in the sky.

"There must be a river from this way," Niall said, nodding his head towards the right.

"Where does it lead?" Ashton asked.

"You'll find the river on your way. Keep moving you still got 100 meters." Leo instructed.

"Copy that." Harry said seriously, green eyes scanning around one last time before moving forward. We all followed, looking around and checking the area.

As we walked, I could feel the ground becoming more sticky, with mud covering the grass. There were a few hints of mud all over the ground but each one were in a straight line, as if something that was covered in mud was dragged across the ground.

I kept checking the ground to see if there waa anything else suspicious that could add up to that, but all I could see was rocks and grass covered in mud. Harry even stepped over the mud to avoid having his shoes dirty.

"Oi!" Louis suddenly gushed, making us swing around and aim towards his direction, him brushing his gloved hand over his shoulder hysterically in anger. My heart picked up its pace in shock.

"What is it?" Harry demanded sharply, green eyes wide.

"A fucking bird shat on me - how fucking amazing!" Louis grumbled, frustrated as he tried to get the stains off his shoulder.

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