Chapter 50

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Nothing's fine I'm torn...

~•~ Chapter 50 ~•~

Claire's POV

Loud voices were reaching my ears from outside, but I see none of the cunts guarding me. I could only see a passed out Ed in the corner on the ground, as I was tied on a chair in the middle of an empty cabin. Ed's face was messily beaten up, blood ran down his left temple and corner of his lips, his hair dump and slicked to the back, his clothes ripped at some parts.

"Ed. Ed wake up." I hissed, keeping my voice as low as I could. He wasn't tied, which confused me, but if I get him to wake up, we could escape this fucking place and the sickos outside.

My entire body was frozen with fear and anxiety. Ed looked too deep in his slumber to hear me. A frustrated grunt came from my throat as I tried to break through my hands that were once again tied, to the back of the chair. My wrists felt terrible, my bleeding left foot killed me and not to mention the multiple scratches and wounds all over my body that were itching me like crazy.

"Ed! Wake up!" I hissed harshly, seeing him wince slightly, his brows twitching before he turned his head to the side, still asleep. I couldn't shout at him or throw anything to his face. I rolled my eyes, impatient and frustrated.

Something breaking was heard from outside before the guys laughed loudly. Ignoring the stupid sounds they made, I tried to find a way out. There were two doors in the room, but I didn't know if they were locked or not. Ed suddenly gasped loudly for air, his eyes snapping open and filled with terror. He sat up, wincing at the pain that took over his head at the sudden movement before he ran a stressful hand through his face.

"Ed! Get up and untie me!" I urged in a hushed tone, rushing the words as panic and hope mixed through my stomach.

He gave me a confused, puzzled look. "Why the hell are you tied up?" he asked, slowly inching closer to me, crawling on his knees on the floor.

"Cause I'm their bait." I replied emotionlessly as he came to me, his bloody hands reaching out to touch my knee, his face covered with a frown.

"Claire...these guys.." he started off slowly, his voice small.

"Talk while you free me, Ed." I said impatiently, staring up at the ceiling in irritation. I don't need to waste any precious time just taking,  these guys burst in any second.

He dragged his body around the chair, weakly taking hold of my wrists and un-doing the knots. “Claire, the guy who jumped on me,” his voice was raspy, deeper, pained. “It's Eric.”

“Your coach?” I blurt, my eyes widening in shock as I recalled Ed’s words. Eric is Casey's brother.  My stomach knotted with anxiety and disgust while my skin arose with goosebumps. “You have got to be kidding me.” I grumbled angrily.

“No, it's him.”

“Why did he fucking knock you out like that then?” I hissed, turning my head to the side to see half of his face and body. I saw his grimace, the dry blood on his face making him look ugly and terrifying.

“I kinda called his sister a nasty bitch once.” he admitted with a lazy shrug.

“Wow, you really are an idiot.” I drawled dryly, staring ahead blankly.

“Just stating facts.”

Ι scoffed, shaking my head in disapproval. “You have a death wish, there's no other explanation.”

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