"Then why don't you just leave Phan-tom Lord if you don't like working for Black Cross? Why do you even endure it?!" I asked in angry tone.

"Because if we do, The Black Cross leader Kuraim wiil send his men to track us down and kill us. Then he would use his magic to reanimate our corpses to serve him. Every of his men that you killed, he raised their corpses to do chaos even in death. Once you become a Black Cross member or the-ir pawn, you have no choice but to serve them for enternity." The Pant-her told me.

I can't believe what I was hearing. Ra-ising corpses? Enslaving souls? Deny-ing them their rest? What kind of monster would do that?!

Does that mean all that killing was for naught? Did I just waste six years of my life murdering those psychopaths only for them to be brought back to life through undeath?

The panther swung his sword towards me again. And I dodged it then coun-ter-attacked him with kick in his gut, making him lose control of his wings and hitting his head against the wall.

I saw that Gajeel ate some iron and Natsu was frustrated. I transformed into my Phoenix Star Dress and shot flames towards the latter.

He ate the flames and something was happening to him. He put his hands on his head and started to yell in pain.

Oh, no! What have I done?! I should've asked Phoenix about the consequences of eating his flames!

Natsu fell on the ground and an image of the dragon was formed behind him then he dashed towards Gajeel who attacked him back.

The former dominated the latter. Shattering his steel iron scales, stoping his roar with his own bare hands, attacking him with strong punches and kicks.

Happy and I watched in awe as Natsu completely destroyed his opponent, finishing him with his Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's fist. This has caused huge explosion and it destroyed Phantom Lord's headquarters.

Natsu fell down, but I quickly caught him. He rested his head on my lap and I looked at him with loving look in my eyes.

"You seriously wrecked that guy! That was so cool, Natsu!" Happy exclaimed.

I smirked "Well, that's Natsu for ya."

My boyfriend grinned and I helped him get up. He looked at what I was wearing and blushed.

He whispered into my ear "Next time when we have sex, you better wear this Star Dress. It's gonna be very hot!"

I blushed at what he said, but smiled and kissed him anyways. I don't know what I see in this idiot, but I fucking love him.

(Erza p.o.v)

Being in my Black Wing Armor, I was in fight against Jose who took down Gray and Elfman with single attack.

When there was a noise coming from upstairs, Jose spoke "My. Your Dragon sure loves going on rampage."

I glared at him "Don't underestimate Natsu. He is powerful. In fact, he is just as strong as I am, if not stronger."

The Phantol Lord Guildmaster only smirked at me "Oh please, enough with the modesty, Titania. Your power is truly magnificent. If you were not hurt by Jupiter, this would a very entertaining battle.

However, I can't stand the thought of having someone like you in Makarov's guild." He said attacking me with a beam that pushed me towards the wall.

Then he spoke about the reason why he didn't kill Master right away, be-cause he wanted to make him suffer by murdering everyone in Fairy Tail.

I got angry and charged towards him, but he only teleported away and appeared behind.

"As long as I can remember, Phantom Lord was the most powerful wizard guild in Fiore. We have the most powerful wizards with powerful spells that no one could best us.

The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail Nalu Fanfiction) (Being Re-written)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora