CHAPTER 5 - Invitation

Start from the beginning

The next day we attend school to be greeted by an announcement from the principal. For freshmen like Mariyah and I, we can try out extra curricular activities. I convinced her to try one of these as it will be a good experience for her.

Mariyah is excited because she always wanted to go in cheerleading. I support her entirely and I'm very happy for her. However cheerleading isn't my thing, that sounds more like my sister, Paige. Instead, I try the female soccer team.

Mariyah and I both take extra clothes with us the next day and attend our try outs.

"How does it feel to be wearing a crop top and such a tiny shorts?" I ask, amusingly folding my hands.

"It's so cool! I'm so nervous." Mariyah smiles nervously as she bites at her nail, shaking one of her legs.

"Just relax. Breathe. You'll be just fine and you'll do great." I throw an arm around her shoulders and squeezing it, just like my mom does to me... all the time.

"Thank you." She tilts her head and looks at me sideways.

"Don't mention it!" I wave her off right before splitting ways to our try outs.

I figure this would be good for both of us. She'll start to feel more like a normal kid and I'll probably be less of a deranged loner. I need to learn how to interact and work with other people.

Zinh? - "just do it."

As the try outs are finished, everyone leaves the field and I decided to stay back a little. I'm joining a team that's already a few months ahead so I'll have to bring my A-game to make the team and be as good as my teammates.

I take a few kicks at the ball, trying to perfect my craft with it.

"For starters, you're doing it wrong." A familiar voice interrupts.

I look around me and get annoyed instantly by the sight that greets my eyes. "I thought I told you to leave me alone." I raise my hands and plopping them back down on the sides of my thighs.

"You told me to leave, not to leave you alone." He shots back dryly.

I scoff from irritation as he walks over and snatches the ball. I fold my arms then roll my eyes as he gives a brief demonstration of how to achieve a good kick

He's wearing shorts and T-shirt with track shoes. His body is toned all over.

"Approved." Zinh's voice echoes in my head, I didn't ask for your opinion! I hiss.

Back to reality, his lessons brings my attention to it's highest level. He makes a clean score and then runs to get the ball.

"Wow. You played this thing before?" My curiosity betrays me. He has skills.

"I played all my years in high school and last year as a freshman, just like you." He jogs back with the ball. "Now you try." He kicks the ball slightly towards me.

I reminisce on his pattern then take a shot at it. It's not as clean as his kick but I actually scored it.

"Whoohooo." He cheers, clapping his hands above his head which elicits a grin of my own that I quickly conceal.

"Thank you." I add, unknowingly allowing my grin to be visible to him.

"Don't mention it." He attempts to leave the field before stopping in his tracks and turns around again.

What now?

"You wanna come to a frat party tomorrow night? Everyone's invited." He slightly rubs the back of his head with one hand and the other one on his hip.

Mariyah comes to mind right away, but I squint my eyes and ask.. "Why are you nice to me? I hit you. I was a total bitch." My hands spread apart.

"First of all, you didn't hit me, you attacked me. That was a vicious assault and I could've died." He exaggerates and I couldn't help the chuckle that escapes from me. He smiles, as if proud of himself to actually made me laugh. "But I was a dick so you were a bitch. You got balls, I like you." He points an index finger at me and I chuckle internally which quickly turns into a soft cough.


"So you in?" He asks with raised eyebrows.

I think of Mariyah once more. Wanting to give her a night to remember. "Text me the time and address."

"I would need your number for that, Curly." He squints his eyes again, his eyeballs barely visible through his thick lashes. The gesture I find so weirdly cute. It's as if when he squints, he hides his eyes, which hides another mystery. A mystery I want to know.

Do I?

He reaches in his pocket for his phone and I dial my number and save it as "Jada". "Nice name." He compliments and walks away without looking at me. "I'm still trying to figure out where I've seen you before." He adds while still walking off the field with his back turnt to me.

I raise my eyebrows and smile, "I'm still trying to figure out where I've seen you before", I silently mimic what he just said with a funny face being that he can't see me.

Seriously, I can be such a stupid idiot at times bro.

I take another shot at the ball.

I got my first party invite as a college girl. Paige would be pleased with this news, too bad it won't turn out the way she'd want it to. I just can't wait to tell Mariyah, it's mostly about her and not me either way.


Okay, we're starting to like Tariq, huh..
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