"I told you when you started hanging out with that guy," Tew's mom starts jabbing Tew's head, "He was strange, but no. You were in love." I chuckle at the exchange, making both of them look at me.

"Sorry," I say, waving my hand.

"I like him," Tew's mom smiles at me. "I have to like someone who would beat someone up for my boy."

"Mom," Tew sighs, but I can see a glimmer of a smile. "Why are you here? Did you and Dad fight?"

"Yes," Tew's mom says, taking the chair across from Tew, "He was unreasonable, and now after what I just learned, I know why." She reaches in her purse, pulling out an envelope, tossing it on the table. Tew and I look at it, confused. Considering what we are dealing with concerning N'Wad, I have to wonder if this is connected.

"What is this?" Tew asks, picking it up.

"Look inside," his mom sighs.

I watch as Tew opens the brown envelope. He frowns before he dumps the contents out. Several photos scatter across the table. I walk over, looking at them. They are all of Tew and I. Great. Tew and I have a stalker. I am sure the stalker's name is West.

"You look better in person," Tew's mom says, looking at a picture of me. "At least I know who probably is sending these now."

"West," I growl. "I knew I should have punched him."

Tew's mom smiles up at me. "Definitely an upgrade," she laughs.

"What was Dad mad about?" Tew asks, lining up the photos. "Me dating a guy? Or someone sending him these?"

There is a knock on the door. Who could that be? I frown at Tew, "Maybe it is N'Kongpop," I suggest. "I called him when you weren't here."

"Why did you do that?" Tew asks me, walking to the door.

"You left your phone," I explain. "How am I supposed to find you if you don't have it?" I add, remembering my earlier beef I had with him.

"Dad?" Tew says when he opens his door. I run my hand down my face. It is becoming a family affair. Who knew I would meet the in-laws this evening?

"Is your mom here?" Tew's dad asks, obviously exasperated. "She ran off."

"I didn't run off," Tew's mom huffs, crossing her arms. "I came to see my son."

"You ran off," both Tew and his dad say together.

"Umm," I start, "Maybe I should go." A family affair, indeed. I should leave to let them settle it.

"So you're the boyfriend," Tew's dad asks, giving me my second once over of the night.

"Sawasdee khrap," I say as I wai Tew's dad. "Yes, sir. I am seeing N'Tew."

Tew and I have talked about meeting each other's parents, but this is not anywhere near how I pictured it, and from the look on Tew's face, it wasn't for him either.

Tew said his mom was ok with his preferences, but he always said his dad was hoping he would grow out of this.

Tew's dad spots the pictures on the table. I can see a muscle in his jaw twitch.

"Why did you bring those here?" Tew's dad asks.

"He needed to know someone was watching him," Tew's mom says, lifting her chin. "And now we know who it is."

"Who? Tew's dad asks, frowning.

"We only think it is him, Mom," Tew says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We don't have proof it is Ai'West."

"Him?" Tew's dad growls, pulling out his phone. I look at Tew and quirk an eyebrow at him. Who is he calling?

"Khun Wongrutiyan," Tew's dad starts, and Tew tries to grab the phone out of his hand. Tew's dad turns and holds him off with his other hand. "May I speak to your son? You can put the phone on speaker. I think you will want to hear this too."

Tew's dad turns and looks at Tew, mouthing, "Stop!" Tew growls but stops trying to take the phone.

Tew's dad put the phone on speaker, setting it on the table, waiting for, I am assuming N'West to come to the phone.

"What have you done this time?" N'West's father says in the background.

"Nothing," N'West replies. "I don't know why he would be calling. Khun Chaisurivirat, how may I help you?" Hearing that voice makes me want to strangle him.

"I would like to thank you for the photos you sent me," Tew's dad says very calmly. "It was very helpful." Tew goes to say something, but his dad shakes his head.

"I thought you would like to know a senior was bullying him at university," N'West says, sounding smug. "He is not letting Tew see who he wants."

When N'West admitted he was sending the photos to Tew's parents, I looked down at the phone. At the mention of me bullying Tew, I saw red. The bully here is the asshole on the phone.

"I understand," Tew's dad says. "I am calling to tell you that if you send another picture of my son and his boyfriend, and yes, we know the senior is his boyfriend, I will report you to the police. Do you understand the situation, Khun Wongrutiyan? Your son has been harassing my son. From the looks of the pictures he has sent us, he is even stalking my son and his boyfriend."

"I understand," N'West's father says, and we all hear a smack over the phone.

"He is not dating that guy," N'West shouts.

"Yes, I am," Tew says coldly. "My parents are here in my dorm, along with my boyfriend. My parents have met him, Ai'West." I wouldn't call this a proper meeting, but I have met them. "Thank you for sending evidence that you are stalking me. It will make it easier to press charges."

"So if you don't want your life ruined," I add. "Leave Tew and me alone."

"You heard them, you creep," Tew's mom adds, and I smile at her. "I am quite happy with Tew's new boyfriend."

"You will not have to worry about my son, Khun Chaisurivirat," N'West's father tells us. "I will make sure he is not able to bother you anymore. I believe it is time for him to study abroad. I will be sending him to my sister in the US. I apologize for this." We all hear N'West sputtering in the background only to go silent when another smack is heard.

"Thank you," Tew's father says. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," N'West's father hangs up. I have to wonder what more he is going to do to N'West.

"Explain to me why you didn't tell me this guy was bothering you?" Tew's dad asks, frowning. "And when were you going to get around to introducing your boyfriend?"

"You are ok with me dating P'Knott?" Tew gapes at his dad.

"It is not like you dating a boy is new, Tew," Tew's dad smirks. "I get I was not receptive when I found you were dating that." He says, pointing at his phone. "But I never liked that guy even when you claimed he was just a friend, and after what he did to you..." Tew's dad trails off. "I promised myself I would tell you the next time you are dating a creep," he says, smiling at his wife. "Girl or boy. But I figured it would not be a girl."

"How do you know P'Knott isn't a creep?" Tew asks, and I have to stop myself from smacking him on the back of the head like I would if we were with friends.

"The pictures," Tew's mom pipes up. "The way he looks at you. It is the same way your dad looks at me."

"And your mom looks at me," Tew's dad adds, smiling at his wife, "Besides, he seems to be ranked pretty high in his year. There is a guy who is always higher, but I guess you like N'Knott." Tew's dad looked into me?

"Who is higher?" Tew looks over at me. "And Dad, I am not dating P'Knott for his brain..."

"Ai'Arhtit," I smile, "He is freaky smart." I look over at Tew's parents, "And he is off the market since he is dating N'Tew's friend N'Kongpop." I turn back to Tew. "So, what are you dating me for?" Tew's parents both laugh.

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#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now