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they find the courier's candy stash

Rex would look curiously at the pile, he knew that human(oid)s needed food but something about the colorful packaging and fruity/chocolatey aroma didn't look like the regular food his owner usually brought home. Nevertheless, he tried gnawing on some...

Cass had a sweet tooth. She didn't like to admit it. So when she found the Courier's stash of goodies while looking for some whiskey, she tried to act like it was childish. "When did you even have time for all this? And w- Ooooooh, are those snack cakes?"

Raul remembered the birthday piñatas from his childhood. It made the old ghoul smile. "Mind sharing some, boss?". It didn't taste quite the same but he didn't care much anyway.

Lily's grandmother-ly instincts kicked in. "Make sure not too eat too much!". She ended up trying some chocolate anyway. Who knew Nightkin had a sweet tooth?

Boone thought it was kind of childish. He didn't say anything to the Courier, though, as he didn't want to offend them. And it didn't matter much anyway. However he did end up sneaking a pack of gummies as a snack for one of his shifts.

ED-E, much like rex, was curious. In the form of a beep though. The little eyebot made a sad beep when it remembered it couldn't eat, or smell.

Veronica chuckled at the stash of sweets the Courier tried to "hide" (it was right in one of the shelves/backpack pockets in plain site). She didn't like candy all too much.

Arcade was just looking for some bandages when he found the pile of goodies. "And you didn't tell me about this earlier?". Add "chocolate lover" to one of his weird quirks. Like Cass, he doesn't like to admit it.


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