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accidentally triggering ed-e's enclave logs

Arcade doesn't know what's happening at first. But, then he gets very all paranoid as he learns the context. Was the Enclave stalking and the him courier? Were they going to eradicate the Strip? He tries to find six as soon as possible and tell them what happened and also "I told you so!"

Veronica jumps as she hears a new sound from Ed-e. She gets rather curious as she hears about the Enclave and listens all the way through. Tells the Courier, because its the right thing to do. It has a downside as she nags them about it for a while. "We have to get to the bottom of this!" She exclaims.

Cass was drunk when she triggered the logs. She looks at the eyebot with a funny face. "Say it again?" She slurs, slumped over the bar table. Forgets about it the next day. When the courier finds out about the tapes and that Cass knew she shrugs and makes an "Oops" face.

Boone slowly glares at the eye bot as he tells a story of him and Carla while the Enclave were still thriving. "I don't have time for this." He states as he tells the courier. He's all like "you're problem, not mine."

Lily calls the courier out from behind a rock where they were trying to go pee, "Your little toy is making funny noises again, Jimmy!

Rex can't really trigger ED-E's logs, but he growls when he hears an unfamiliar voice instead of the usually beeping.

Raul's fixing up ED-E after he got dinged up in a fight, casually talking to the little robot about six. ED-E's logs start up and Raul freaks, "Ay, Boss! Come here, I think I broke your robot!"

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