💡A New Idea💡

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(I felt like WinterIcedTea still deserves a one shot so here you are! Enjoy!)

Mumbo was at his base trying to figure out what redstone project he was going to create. Yet, all of his ideas were just coming from a different thought. A thought that wasn't his.
Just then, Grian came in with a few shulker boxes and he set them down. "Special delivery for a special someone!" Grian said cheerfully as he left the room.
Mumbo got up from his desk and went to check the boxes. When he looked inside, there was a bunch of redstone blocks shaped like hearts. His face turned red and he was smiling ear to ear.
He took one of the hearts and placed it on his desk. Mumbo examined the block and admired the way Grian carved the heart so intricately. It did make him feel special.
Just then, he finally had his new idea. First, he was going to need a place to put it where Grian would never find it until Mumbo showed him. Then, he got it.
There was a desert far away from the island where he could place his new contraption. He already had the redstone and other mechanics he needed to do it so he immediately got to work.
Mumbo didn't want anyone to know what he was doing so instead of asking for help with his build, he did his best and he thought that that was all that mattered.
He worked day and night and never spoke to anyone. It was a lot of merciless building and mistakes, but he was able to get it done.

When Mumbo got back to the shopping district he was immediately greeted by something pushing him to the ground.
He wasn't able to comprehend the situation until her saw something on him. When his vision wasn't so blurry, he saw Grian.
His eyes were red and so was his face. Mumbo knee something wasn't right.
"What's wrong Grian?" He asked, lifting up Grian's head. Grian became furious.
Mumbo then realized that he hadn't told anyone what he was doing and it must've caused some concern, well, a lot of concern.
"Grian, I'm so sorry. I should've told you, but it needed to be a surprise!" He said. Grian got up and said nothing.
"Grian... come with me. Please." Mumbo pleaded. Grian rolled his eyes. "Fine. But this better be good." He said as he put on his elytra.
Grian followed Mumbo all the way to the desert.
"Oh wow. Just a load of sand..." Grian said sarcastically. Mumbo grabbed his hand and lead him to a lever. "Pull it." He told Grian.
Grian pulled the lever and a bunch of sand collapsed. From the mess came a giant heart made of wool. It opened and inside was a chest.
"Open the chest." Mumbo instructed Grian. Grian went into the heart and opened the chest. Inside was a glass heart filled with water and pink petals and a note. Grian opened it.
The note read: Grian, you are the kindest person I've ever met and I want to keep that kindness. Would you be my builder babe? -Mumbo
Grian laughed and close the note. He walked over to Mumbo and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Of course I will." He said with a smile.
Mumbo joyfully lifted him in the air and spun around. Then he brought him back down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
The two held hands and flew back to the island. No one knew what happened that day, besides them.

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