🍷A Glass of Red Wine🍷 (REWRITTEN)

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(Sorry if you didn't have a chance to read the OG. This one is a lot more thought out.)

It was Tuesday and Grian got out of bed. He got ready for work, cleaning himself up and putting on his uniform. Yep, just another day as a waiter for ConCorp Crabs & Stuff.
He was just heading out the door when he saw a note on his doorstep. It was in a red envelope with a wax stamp on it with the initials 'MJ'. Grian picked it up and opened it gently, to not ruin the envelope or stamp.
The note read: "Dear Grian, It is with the up most importance that you not go to work today. Meet me behind the restaurant as soon as you finish reading this letter. Trust me, you will be safer this way. Sincerely, MJ".
Who was this 'MJ'? Grian had to know. So, he decided to follow the writer's advice and meet him behind the restaurant. There was so many possibilities as to what would happen, he had to know which one it was.
When Grian finally got behind the restaurant, there was a silhouette of a tall man. It started walking towards him and he got scared. "Don't come any closer! I will-" He stopped. The light hit the silhouette, causing the man to reveal himself.
It couldn't be... oh but it was! The man revealed to be the redstone master. Who is the redstone master? Why he is a legend, a tale told by those who truly think they've met his eye.
"I've been... watching you.... Grian." The master said with his deep voice. "Y-you have?" Grian asked, shakily. "Yes." The master replied. Grian was still confused as to what he wanted.
"I called you hear because there is something wrong going on at this restaurant." He said, quietly opening the back door. It was dark inside the kitchen, with only a few candles giving light.
Then appeared the silhouettes of Ren and Doc. They seemed to be in cloaks and in between them was a glass of white wine. "Watch." The master said, pulling Grian closer to the door.
Ren and Doc started to chant, it was really weird and confusing. "Red... blood... red... power... red... stone... red... red..." the two chanted over and over again. "What in blazes or they doing?" Grian asked. The master just scoffed and his face showed disgust.
When Grian looked at the wine glass, it turned red. There was nothing there that was put in to make that happen! So how? It was obvious when Grian looked at the redstone master's face. It became pale and his cheek bones started to show.
Ren and Doc were using his power, but for what reason? "Go. Go to work now. Don't say a word. Don't deny anything. Just go with it." The master said, clenching his fist. Grian nodded and walked into the restaurant as usual. Doc saw him and frowned.
"You're late Grian. This isn't like you." He said calmly. Grian got nervous. "Uh well I was just uhh sleeping a bit late haha! Yeah...." he said, sweating profusely. He just scurried out of the kitchen into the dining area to take orders.
He went to the bar and saw Scar. "What can I get you sir?" Grian asked, trying to act natural. Scar put down his menu and smiled. "I'll have the new red wine please!" He said, giving Grian the drinks menu. "That'll be all.".
Grian's heart sank, but he knew he couldn't say anything against it or he'd be caught. So, he got the "red wine" and put it in a glass. Scar thanked him and started to drink. "I feel a lil' dizzy..." Scar said. Suddenly, he fell out of his seat and onto the floor.
"Oh my lord!" Grian shouted. Everyone looked at him, and when Grian saw their tables, he felt like passing out as well. Everyone had empty wine glasses. They all dropped, one by one. It was horrific.
Doc and Ren walked out of the kitchen, grinning. Grian couldn't hold it in anymore. "YOU! YOU TWO
DID THIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE Y-" He was interrupted by the sound of the roof breaking. It was the redstone master and he looked a lot better. "Let then go you phantom freaks!" He said, his fists emitting a red light.
Suddenly, Ren and Doc charged at him. He punched both men in the gut, causing phantoms to fly out of them. Grian was still horribly confused. The master then walked towards Grian and got down to his level.
"The name's Mumbo. Mumbo Jumbo." He said smiling. "I'm here to protect you.". This only gave Grian more questions. "What are you? What is your purpose? I don't understand! I-" He was cut off by a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Good luck." Mumbo said. Then, with a flash of red light, he was gone.
Grian sighed. "Well. Guess it's my turn to clean." He said, cleaning the broken glass and roof tiles off of the floor. He never knew what the man truly wanted, but he knew that he was going to be safe for a long, long time.

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