🌳The Orchard Boy🌳

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(This is kinda like an AU but not really. So :))

On a bright and sunny day, Grian went to his orchard to pick some apples for his delicious apple pies. He opened the gate and walked in, the sun's rays shined through all the green leaves.
He found a tree with a lot of nice apples, but he was too short to reach them. This made him upset because he didn't have a ladder or anything to help him up.
After at least an hour of trying, Grian gave up and decided to find another tree. He looked and looked, but all of the trees paled in comparison to the one he saw. Some time passed and he gave up and decided to turn around and leave the orchard.
Meanwhile, Mumbo was flying around and saw Grian sadly closing the gate to the orchard. He flew down to ask why he was so upset. "Grian?" He asked, tapping his shoulder "What happened?". Grian sighed and said "I need more apples for my apple pies and I found such a.... beautiful tree... but the apples were too high up and I don't have a ladder...".
Grian was short so he couldn't reach a lot. Mumbo had a plan, though. "Let me see this tree." He said with confidence. Grian then opened the gate and they walked to the tree. It was a few inches taller than Grian. Mumbo tried to hold it in, but in the end he burst out in laughter.
This made Grian irritated. "WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" He said as his cheeks turned red. "Hahahaha! Oh Gri... you're killin' me.... ahh..." Mumbo said, wiping tears from his eyes. Grian got even angrier. "Shut up! You're being a.... you're being a big jerk!" He yelled, throwing his basket to the ground in a fit of rage.
Mumbo stopped laughing and Grian ran off. He didn't have any words to say. Mumbo looked at the tree and anger filled his whole body. With all his might, he kicked the tree. Then, something magical dropped from it.
It was a golden apple! He picked it up and put it in the basket Grian threw. Then, he put all the other apples over it so it was obvious. Mumbo then, walked out of the orchard to find Grian.
He looked everywhere for him. His base, his farm, the shopping district, even the orchard again. But Grian was nowhere to be found. This worried him, so he decided to ask around.
Mumbo saw Iskall and asked him. "Hey, Iskall. Do you know where Grian is?" He asked. Iskall just shrugged. Then he asked False and she said "No.". One hermit after another it was just a shrug or a no. It was just driving him insane.
When it became night, he thought it was hopeless. Mumbo went to the island's high cliff to be alone with his thoughts. As he got to the top, he saw a familiar silhouette near the edge. It was Grian.
"Grian?" He said, walking towards him. Grian clenched his fist and immediately stood up. "what do you WANT?!" He yelled as tears streamed down his cheeks. Mumbo stopped and his heart dropped. "I'm sorry for laughing at you Gri... I should've know it upset you..." He said nervously. Grian sighed. "At least you brought me my basket ba-" he stopped as he looked inside.
It was filled to the brim with shiny red apples. He cried. "I'm sorry Grian' I-" Before Mumbo could finish, Grian's arms were wrapped around him. "Thank you..." he whispered. Mumbo smiled and wrapped his arms around Grian.


Mumbo and Grian were at Grian's kitchen and they were peeling and cutting the apples for baking. There was one apple left and when Grian placed it on  the cutting board, he gasped. "Mumbo! What is this?" He said in shock. "It's some sort of... golden apple? I don't really know.... when I kicked the tree out of anger it just fell." He replied, scratching his head.
Grian put it in one of the pies and they waited for them to bake. When he took the golden apple pie out of the oven, it was shiny and it looked like a goddess baked it. The two decided to take a bite and it tasted like heaven.
"Wow! This tastes amazing! It's... it's extraordinary!" Grian exclaimed as he took another bite. Mumbo rolled his eyes and sighed. "Grian. All your pies are extraordinary." He said grinning. Grian laughed.
"Well you know what else is extraordinary?" He asked as he got up from his chair. "What?" Mumbo asked. "You." He said, kissing Mumbo on the cheek. This made him freeze and his face turned red.
Grian picked up the pies individually and put them by the window to cool. After a while Mumbo, got up and helped him. Then, when all the pies were put up, they went to their bases.

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