🥧Cherry Pie🥧(Part Two)

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Mumbo walked in and saw the mess. His eyes widened and he ran over to Grian. He lifted the shelf off of him with ease.

"Grian! Are you alright?" He asked, helping him up. Grian's eyes were filled with tears. "You're not mad at me?" He asked, shyly. Mumbo gently put his hand on Grian's face.

"Of course not", he said, "those plates and other things were all just failed attempts I didn't know how to get rid of. Apparently you did the job for me."

Grian sighed in relief. "So... how did this happen?" Mumbo asked. Grian turned red with embarrassment. "Um... I'd rather not say." He said. Mumbo chuckled. "Alright then."

The two stood in silence for a moment, but suddenly Grian wrapped his arms around Mumbo and buried his face in his chest. Mumbo was dumbfounded at first, but he soon wrapped his arms around Grian.

"I'm really really REALLY sorry..." Grian said as he cried more tears. Mumbo sighed. "There is nothing to be sorry for. You made a mistake, and that's ok." He said.

Grian let go and wiped his tears. Mumbo was going to get a towel for Grian, but there was a knock at the door. He answered it and saw Cleo standing there with a worried expression.

"Cleo! It's grand to see you, but what has given you such a face?" He greeted her. Without warning, Cleo shoves him out of the way. "I heard a loud crash coming from your home! Someone has broken in and has destroyed your precious china!" She exclaimed, trying to look for the culprit.

Cleo then turned to Grian and pointed at him. "GAH!", she screamed, "HE'S RIGHT THERE! HE'S GOING TO KILL US ALL!" Mumbo gently grabbed her arm and held it tight enough that it would restrain her, but not hurt her.

"Mumbo! He's going to kill us! Do I need to repeat myself?!" She yelled. Mumbo shook his head. "He is not a threat. I invited him into my home and I left to mail something off. While I was gone he accidentally broke some of my china. Luckily I didn't need any of it." He explained.

Cleo stopped fighting and calmed down. "Oh", she said, "Well... alright then. I'll be going." Cleo opened the door, but before she left, she glared into Grian's eyes with a piercing and angry stare. It made him nervous.

She then shut the door behind her and went back home. Mumbo rolled his eyes. "She's such a schizophrenic." He said. He looked at Grian who seemed pale. "Death stare?" He asked. Grian looked at him. "Is... is that what it's called?" He asked.

Mumbo nodded. "Yes. Yes she did give me a death stare..." Grian said. Mumbo looked at his clock and saw it was 7:30 pm.

"Well", he said, "It's getting quite late. I should be carrying these apples to the town center so I'm not late in the morning. I'll be back, and be more careful."

Grian nodded. "I will be as careful as humanly possible!" He said. Mumbo left and Grian was alone again.

A few minutes went by and he heard a loud knock at the door. He knew Mumbo had keys so why would he be knocking, and so viciously too. Grian was about to answer it when the door was kicked down.

There, Cleo stood. A fierce look in her eyes and her fists clenched tightly. She stomped towards Grian who kept taking steps back.

"Oh! So the little plate breaker is afraid of a woman, eh?" She asked, rolling up her sleeves. Grian was shaking. "I don't want to hit a lady! My mum told me that was rude!" He said. Grian was trying to walk back further, but a wall stopped him.

"Well THIS lady ain't afraid to hit a man!" She exclaimed, raising her arm. As she was about to hit him, Grian used his legs and swept her off her feet and onto the hard, wooden floor.

He got up and kicked her in the side. "I will NOT be tormented by you!" He said, kicking her again. She yelped in pain. "Stop that you... jerk!" She exclaimed. Grian didn't listen to her and just kept kicking.

Suddenly, the door handle was opened and Grian knew it was Mumbo. He picked up Cleo with ease and threw her out the window. Then, he shut it and went to where he was originally standing.

Mumbo walked in and saw Grian politely standing. He smiled. "Well", he said, "The house looks just as it was. Good job, Grian" he patted Grian on the head.

He then went over to where Grian threw Cleo out the window and picked up his duster. He started gently cleaning the plates.

As he was doing so, he heard groaning coming from outside. He saw Cleo lying there with scratches and leaves on her. Mumbo, worried, went outside and to where she was.

He kneeled down and rested her head on his leg. "Cleo! What happened?" He asked. "That idiot you let into your home attacked me! He threw me out the window!" She said. Mumbo didn't buy it. "The only way that could happen is if you came into my home first! And that's breaking and entering, which is illegal." He explained.

Cleo was dumbfounded. She was trying to make up a good excuse but she had none. Mumbo got up. "I'll take you back home and let you come to your senses, Cleo. Whatever happened must've damaged your memory." He said as he picked her up.

Mumbo gently laid her down in her bed and leaned down to her. "Also, if you ever lay a finger on Grian, you're dead." He said with an intimidating and deep voice.

He then left and and went back to his home to talk to Grian about the fair that would happen the next day.

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