⚰️Grave Boy⚰️

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(This is sort of an AU where instead of building Grian works night shifts at the local cemetery bc he's not afraid of the dark or ghosts)

Grian was working his usual night shift at the graveyard he lived by. He liked it because it was quiet and he could do his work in peace without anyone bugging him. Although it was nice, he still felt a little bit lonely. Working hours alone in a graveyard at night isn't how he planned to spend his life.

He was finishing up with picking up all the dead bouquets of flowers that people forgot about and throwing them away. The last bouquet was made of roses. Grian could tell which flowers were which because of how long he worked there.

When he lifted it up, it wouldn't come out of the ground. He knew this wasn't grown there, so the reason why it wouldn't come out was puzzling to him. He pulled and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. So he used all his strength and pulled. Suddenly, a voice came from underneath.

"YEOUCH!" It screamed. Grian let go out of surprise. Out of the ground arose a real zombie. He wasn't falling apart at all, so Grian figures he died recently.

"Are... are you real?" Grian asked nervously. "Of course I'm real. And you REALly hurt my arm there pal." The zombie replied. "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know you were holding that bouquet." Grian apologized. He looked over the zombie's shoulder and read the name on his tombstone.

"Mumbo. Is that your name?" Grian asked. The zombie nodded. "I would've much rather been cremated, but my stupid mother went against my wishes because it would 'savor my body to Christ' or something dumb like that." Mumbo said.

Grian chuckled at his remark. "Yeah, I honestly think it's a waste of Earth." He said, placing the garbage bag of flowers down on the ground.

"Then why are you working here?" Mumbo asked.

"Eh, it gets me money. Besides, I like the peacefulness of it. All dark and quiet. I even fell asleep here one time."

"You're not afraid of the dark?"





"I'm talking to one right now, aren't I?"

Mumbo's eyes widened. "Wow. You really aren't afraid of anything here." He said. Grian shook his head. "Not at all!"

Suddenly, Mumbo felt a slight tingling sensation on his back. He turned around and saw the sun beginning to rise. "Oh gosh! I gotta get back in my tomb! Nice talkin' to ya!" He said as he climbed back into his grave.

Grian grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?", Mumbo asked, "I need to get back in here before the sun rises and makes me go fully dead!"

"Don't worry", Grian said, "You're not gonna go fully dead, just try to get used to it." Mumbo hesitated, but decided to come back out.

The sun burned his pale skin, but he didn't burn to a crisp. "Ow!" Mumbo said. He looked at his red body, but didn't feel anything fading away. "I'm still alive!" He exclaimed joyfully.

He looked at Grian. "Oh thank you thank you!" He said, shaking Grian's hand. Grian didn't look very happy.

"What's wrong?" Mumbo asked. "Well, my shift's over pal. I guess I'll have to visit you tonight." Grian said, picking up the bag of flowers.

Mumbo frowned. "Oh... ok. See you tonight." He said.

Grian started walking, but just as he was going to throw away the bag, he saw a gang of teenagers with spray cans. He dropped the bag and ran back to Mumbo.

"Mumbo! You have to hide, now!" Grian said. Mumbo was confused. "Why?" He asked. "There's a gang of teens coming in and they have spray cans! If they see you they're probably going to attack you..." Grian explained.

Mumbo hopped out of the grave and rolled up the sleeves of his dirty suit. "Not if I attack them first." He said sternly. He walked over to the teens and they froze.

"Don't you kids have school?" He asked. One of them laughed. "It's Saturday, you moron!" They yelled. The other laughed at his remark. Mumbo chuckled quietly. "Well how would I know? I'm a zombie!" He said as he took off one of his arms.

The teens screamed and ran out of the cemetery, one of them dropping their driver's license. Mumbo picked it up and walked over to Grian, handing it to him.

"Here. If you hand this to the police department they should be able to apprehend those miscreants." He said. Grian smiled. "Thanks", he said, "Also, here."

He gave Mumbo a plastic rose. "It's from an old grave that was removed for business reasons. I was gonna give it to my boss because we're not supposed to keep old grave items, but I figured I'd give it to you." He said.

Mumbo smiled. "Thanks. By the way, I never caught your name." He said. "Oh, right. The name's Grian." Grian replied. "Cool." Mumbo said.

"Welp, here comes the early morning mourners. I better get going and you better go back in that grave of yours." Grian said. "Alright then, see ya." Mumbo replied. "See ya."

And with that, Grian left and Mumbo went back into his tomb. He gently laid down and placed the rose on his chest with a big smile on his face.

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