🌄It's Ok🌄

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(WARNING: Drug abuse!)
(Hey y'all. We've been doing some mental health things that are required by the state in school and today we learnt about prescription drugs. So what better way to teach you all about drugs then to put it in a fanfic?!)

Mumbo, Grian, and Iskall we're finishing up some Sahara things. Mumbo realized he needed some more redstone. "Hey Grian? You got any redstone?" He asked. Grian turned around, his face wasn't as happy as usual. "Y-yeah... here." He replied, passing him some redstone.

Mumbo became concerned. Grian was always happy and he didn't know of anything that would make him sad. He decided it was probably just an off day for him. Things would get better the next day.

Sadly they didn't. As each day passed, Grian stopped sleeping as often, or he'd sleep too much. He would stop hanging out with people and he'd always make up some excuse not to hang out with all his friends.

Mumbo decided to go to Grian's place and ask what was happening in person. His texts were always read but never responded to and his calls were ignored.

So, after he finished a small project, he flew over and walked inside since there wasn't a door or anything. Just an open base.

"Grian! I need to talk to you!" He shouted, looking around for Grian. Somehow, he heard a call back. "Go away, Mumbo." Grian said back with a sad tone. Mumbo followed the sound to Grian's infinity room.

"Grian. You can't keep... hiding... from us...." his words slowed down as he gazed at what laid before him. There were pills scattered across the floor and bottles everywhere. Some full, some half taken, some fully empty.

Mumbo froze. "G-Grian... what are you doing?" He asked, slowly walking towards Grian.

Grian turned around. His hair was a mess, he had to have been wearing the same clothes for a week or two, his eyes were bloodshot and had bags, and his skin was pale.

"I said go away." Grian told him, standing up. "Grian have... have you been..."

"It's the only way my anxiety can calm. I became numb to the healing, so I took more."

"Grian why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because I didn't think you'd care. I didn't look like I had anxiety at all..."

"We all care about you! That's why we've been texting and calling you non stop!"

Mumbo stopped. "Grian." He said, getting close, "I want to be there for you. I'm here for you now. Please just let me help you."

Grian hesitated. "I don't know..."

Mumbo gave him a warm smile.

"Do it for your number one spoon?"

Grian laughed. His pale skin slowly turning back to normal as the red in his face took over. "Ok, I'll do it."

Mumbo held Grian in his arms for a few minutes and whispered things into his ear.

"You're so amazing."

"I love you."

"We all love you."

"You're so talented."

"It's ok."

"It's ok."

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