🌌Starry Night🌌

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It was a nice, cool night out and Grian was walking along the beachside. It was almost pitch black out so the stars were very visible. He decided to sit down and look at them for a while.

He was enjoying it until he heard footsteps rushing toward him. When he turned, he saw a big dog running at him. Before Grian could react, the dog toppled him over and he was lying in the sand.

Grian opened his eyes and saw a man looking at him. He had slicked back black hair and a mustache. He helped Grian off of the ground. "Oh gosh are you alright?" He asked.

Grian brushes himself off. "Yeah I'm fine. What was that?" He asked. "Oh, I was doing some testing on animal energy and that guy ran loose", The man explained, "Also, the name's Mumbo."

"Grian. Nice to meet you." Grian said, shaking his hand.

"So", said Mumbo, "What are you doing out here so late? Someone like you should be getting rest."

"What do you mean by that?" Grian asked.

"Well, you seem to have a very smooth complexion. What I mean is you're very good looking. Rest keeps you that way."

Grian's face flushed red, luckily it was dark so Mumbo couldn't see it that well. "Well, thank you. You shouldn't be out here either. Those phantoms are very attracted to ties, or so I've heard." Grian said with a chuckle. Mumbo laughed. "Wouldn't be surprised if they were." He replied.

"So, do you want me to take you home?" He asked Grian. "Sure, if you're willing to carry this all the way there." Grian replied.

"Oh no, I meant like walk with you..."

Grian became embarrassed. "Oh! Right! Haha, just um... just kidding haha..." he said trying to play it off.

Mumbo laughed. "If you insist." He said. Grian was confused until he was lifted up. Mumbo was carrying him in his arms. "Woah", said Grian, "You're very strong..."

"I know." Mumbo replied as he started walking. They were halfway through the shopping district when they heard a bark nearby, followed by footsteps.

Grian held tightly onto Mumbo. "It's that dog again! I just know it!" He said with a shaky voice. Mumbo had a stern look on his face as the dog approached them. It's eyes were glowing red and it was growling angrily.

Mumbo gently set Grian down and rolled up his sleeves. "Come at me, mutt!" He yelled to the animal. The dog charged at him and tacked him to the ground. Mumbo pushed it off of him, but it was persistent.

"What are you doing?! Pushing it is not going to make it go away!" Grian said. "I don't want to hurt it, or at least hurt it too much! It doesn't matter if it's untamed, it's still an animal!" Mumbo replied.

He saw a stick nearby and grabbed it. "Ready boy?" He asked. Somehow, the dog sat and wagged its tail. "Go get it!" He said as he threw it far away.

Mumbo then picked Grian up again and started to run. "We gotta get outta here before that dog catches up!" He said. Grian nodded.

They finally made it to Grian's house. Mumbo set him down. "So how far is your place from here?" Grian asked. "Just across the island", Mumbo said, "No biggie."

Grian rolled his eyes. "You're staying here for the night. When that dog finds out you left he's gonna be waiting to see you." He said.

Mumbo sighed. "Alright then. I'll stay. Only because you want me to." He replied, walking inside. Grian quietly closed the door.

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