💌A Secret Admirer💌(part2)

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(Part two!!!! EEEEEE!)

Mumbo was sleeping when he heard the sound of something smacking itself onto his window. He opened the window and saw a phantom passed out on the ground with a gift tied to it.
No one liked phantoms so he took the gift and left the beast outside. He shut the window and opened the beautifully wrapped box.
Inside was a ring made of redstone and a small note. It read: This ring is red like the pure bleeding love I have for you.
It was a bit cheesy, but it still made him smile. He placed the ring on his bedside table and went back to sleep.

When Mumbo woke up, he found another letter, but this time it was slid under his door into his house. He picked up the letter and read it. This time it read: By the moon you shall meet me, but when the clock strikes eight, I will not be there, if you are even a second late.
This was his time to find out who was sending him the notes. He packed his stuff, put on the ring, and went to find where they'd meet.
After some thinking, he figured it out. By the moon. The admirer wanted to meet him at the island's cliff.

By the time he got there, he was really sweaty and had taken off his coat and tie to cool off. He never took off the ring just in case it meant something more than redstone.
He waited and waited until 7:50 pm hit. The sun was setting and there was no sign of the admirer. Mumbo started to wonder if he went to the wrong place, or if this person was just a faker trying to prank him.
While he was thinking, the silhouette of someone coming towards him stopped his mind in its tracks. He froze, frightened by the speed of the dark figure.
He closed his eyes and hoped to die quick. Mumbo could tell the figure was right in front of him.
He opened his eyes and the figure was sitting beside him with a basket. It could've been filled with anything and he was too scared to think of what it was.
The silhouette took off its hood and turned on a lantern it had in its hand. When Mumbo was able to get a clear look, he saw that it was Grian.
"Grian?" He asked, "You're the one that's been sending me the notes?"
Grian smiled and nodded. "It was kind of obvious." He said.
Then, he took of the cover he put on the basket and there was an array of treats. He used the cover as a blanket to sit on and eat. Grian then took out the food and the two of them ate and talked for the whole night.

It was 11:00 pm and Mumbo had to go home. He held Grian's hand and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "Thanks for everything, love." He said before he took off.

And with that, Grian got the man of his dreams.

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