✉️Where's my Mail?✉️

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(This request was made by GeneSmith974. Enjoy!)

Grian was sitting at his base, bored as hell. He had been waiting for a message from Mumbo for days, but he hadn't gotten a single one. Every moment that went by without a letter popping up made horrid thoughts go through his head.

Did Mumbo get bored of sending them? Maybe he ran out of paper? Maybe he had no envelopes! No...

Mumbo HATED him.

Grian couldn't stand to think like that. The word 'hate' stayed in his head. Every time he thought of Mumbo that word came back. It was like a parasite.

He fell onto his bed and buried his face in his hands. He sobbed loudly, which got the attention of False who was flying by. She landed down onto his base and went to see what was going on.

She saw him, lying on his bed looking absolutely miserable. False kneeled down and lightly took his hands away from his face. She gave him a comforting smile.

"Hey, Grian", she said, "What's wrong?" He sat up. "It's Mumbo... he hasn't sent me a message in days! What if he doesn't like me anymore?" He said. False wiped his tears.

"Don't cry! He's probably just busy or ran out of stuff to write letters! The one thing I know is that he does NOT hate you." She said. Grian looked into her eyes. Pure sorrow filled his soul with every second that went by.

"He does hate me. You can't change my mind." He said with a straight face. False was going to try and snap him out of it, but she knew Grian. He'd never listen.

She waved him goodbye and then flew off. Grian was alone with his thoughts again. Except it wasn't really multiple things. It was just one word.


While flying, False was thinking about what had happened. She knew she couldn't just let this slide, so she flew over to Mumbo's base to talk to him about it.

She landed and saw him at his desk, writing something on a piece of paper. She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. Mumbo jumped.

"GAH! False! You startled me!" He said, turning towards her. She didn't smile like she usually did when she scared people. "What's wrong?", Mumbo asked, "Usually you'd be laughing right now."

False slammed his fist on the desk. "Why haven't you been sending any messages to Grian?! What did he do to you?!" She exclaimed. Mumbo tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you talking about? I've been writing him letters! He's the one you should be mad at!" He said. False then looked at the paper on the desk. She could see it was for Grian.

"That makes no sense! If you've been writing letters, why hasn't he received them?" She asked, puzzled. Mumbo thought about it for a second, and then a thought came to his mind.

"Maybe the tube's clogged!" He said, getting up. False followed him and they both went under water to see what had been happening. They followed the pipe until Mumbo suddenly stopped.

There was a huge bundle of envelopes, cluttered in the tube. "This is definitely the problem." Mumbo said. He looked at False for a moment, then back at the tube. "I'm going in." He said, lightly pushing her aside.

"What?!", she exclaimed, "Are you crazy?! The force in that tube could kill you, you moron!" He looked back at her with a gleam in his eye. "I know, but I can't stand the thought of seeing Grian upset." He said as he kept walking.

They reached the beginning of tube and Mumbo held his breath before going in. There was no water, but there was no way he could breath normally. Without any hesitation, he slid himself inside and was immediately dragged in by the suction.

The glass on the sides of the tube was a bit messed up, so he got cut by shards of glass. He reached the clutter of envelopes and prepared to slam into it, hoping he wouldn't just get stuck and die.

At full force, his body pushed the letters and kept going forward. Finally, he reached Grian's base.

Grian heard the sound of tons of paper flying into the air. He went to his letter room and saw all the envelopes going everywhere. Suddenly, he saw Mumbo come out of the tube as well. His sleeves were cut everywhere.

He helped him out of the tube. "Mumbo!", he said, "Why are all these letters here?" Mumbo was panting heavily. "The reason... you didn't get... any letters was... was because... the tube was... it was jammed..." he said.

Grian looked at one of the letters and his eyes grew big. He realized then he had been putting the letters through the wrong tube. "Oh... so you didn't get mine either then." He said.

Mumbo couldn't hear him because of how hard he was breathing. "Why did you did this anyways? You could've died in there!" Grian said. Mumbo looked at him. "I couldn't bare the thought of you being sad. Especially being sad because of me." He said.

Grian smiled. "Well, thank you." He said. He then noticed that Mumbo's skin was cut as well. He went to his desk and grabbed a safety kit out of one of the drawers.

He had Mumbo sit down on the couch as he treated his wounds. "Thanks for helping me, Gri." Mumbo said. "You're very welcome." Grian replied, finishing bandaging all the wounds. "One more thing before you go Mumbo." He said.

Mumbo was confused. "What is it?" Grian then leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "That should help heal the wounds sooner." He said. Mumbo's face flushed red.

"I c-can feel them healing already..." he said, love struck. Grian chuckled.

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