🐈Here, Kitty Kitty!🐈

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(Requested by c__reep__s ! hope you enjoy!)

Mumbo was in the forest to get wood for a project. While he was there, he heard an odd sound behind one of the trees. It sounded like something was in pain.

He looked and saw a poor kitty stuck under a heavy log. Mumbo knew he couldn't leave it there to die, so he used his axe and chopped the log just enough so that he could get it off without hurting the animal.

Mumbo took the cat in his arms and carried it back to his house. He knew basically nothing about animals so he was worried, but he luckily knew someone.

His friend Grian was pretty much an expert at domestic animals. They weren't the best of friends, but at least they got along.

He had his number so he dialed it.

"Hey Grian!"

"Oh! Hello, Mumbo. Why are you calling me?"

"I found a poor kitty stuck under a log in the woods. I got the log off of it and brought it home, but I don't know how to take care of animals. So I thought- Grian?"

Grian had hung up on him.

"He probably thinks I'm stupid for not being able to take care of an animal..." Mumbo thought to himself. Suddenly, there was a knock at his door.

He opened it and was pleasantly surprised when he saw Grian standing there with a med kit and some cat toys.

"Does it have a collar?" Grian asked. Mumbo shook his head.

Grian went over to the cat and gently placed a stethoscope on its chest. "It's heart beat is normal. But I'm sure that it's bones are broken."

He then picked up the animal and put it on a table. He lightly pressed different points on the cats body. It's hind legs were where it hurt the most.

"I'm gonna take this poor fella back to my place so I can do surgery. Don't ask. Also, if you wanted to know, it is a female."

Mumbo nodded. Grian left with a cat in his arms.


Mumbo heard a knock on his door while he was making breakfast. He answered it and smiled. "Grian! Is the kitty alright?"

Grian's face was pale. Mumbo knew that only meant one thing.

"The cat... she's... FULLY FIXED! I was able to successfully fix and cast the hind legs." Grian said, fooling Mumbo.

Mumbo laughed. "You has me scared there! Come inside. I'm making breakfast."

Grian walked in and had the cat in his bag. He sat down at Mumbo's small dining table and took the cat out.

"So... are you going to adopt her?" Grian asked.

"Of course! I'm sure you can teach me how to take proper care of her." Mumbo replied. Grian happily nodded.


Grian had been coming over to visit for a while. He taught Mumbo what to feed her, how to safely play with her, and other things. They also named the cat. Her new name: Red

Since Mumbo loved redstone, he wanted to give another thing he loved a similar name.

Mumbo saw Grian outside his door and took a deep breath before answering.

"Grian... I don't think I need your help anymore." He said with a sad tone. Grian just chuckled.

"I came here to see you." Grian said, going inside. Mumbo shut the door. "Oh-oh..."

His face turned slightly red. He'd felt a slight attraction to Grian from the start, but now it was a solidified crush.

"So, wanna go get some lunch? I've made sure Red has her food and water. Also her toys."

Grian nodded. "Sounds great."

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