🧨The Redstone Bandit🧨

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(Since you've been good, you get a new addition but this is all you're getting 😡 be happy 😤)

It was awful. Another case of stolen redstone and not a clue leading to who did it. Grian paced back and forth around his detective office and slammed his fist on the wooden desk. "DARNIT!" He shouted to the skies, "WHY CAN'T I FIND THIS BANDIT?!"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Grian calmed his rage and answered it. At the door was not a person, but a box with a letter attached to it. He carefully picked up the mysterious package and brought it inside. "What could this be about?" He pondered, "Maybe it's about the bandit!"

Grian excitedly opened the letter, having high hopes it was a clue to finding the culprit to all of the missing redstone. When he unfolded the slip of paper that was inside the envelope, he read it aloud.

"Dear Grian, yes it is I, the redstone bandit. I know you've been trying to find me for a long while and it's funny how you've gotten nowhere, but today is the day you finally find me and solve your little case once and for all. Meet me near the beach at 10:00 pm. Also, what you see in that box, bring it with you. It's important. Signed, the Redstone Bandit."

Grian placed the note on his desk and grabbed a box cutter. He gently cut the duct tape that kept the box closed and opened the cardboard flaps. Beneath layers of packing peanuts and other pieces of styrofoam was a lever. Just a simple lever. Even when Grian flipped the switch, nothing happened.

The time was 6:00 pm, so he had some time to kill. He decided to give Mumbo a visit since he hadn't even considered talking to him about the redstone. He knew him well and knew he wasn't very good at hiding secrets. So it couldn't be him.

When Grian arrived at his base, he saw bits of redstone scattered across the floor. He followed the trail into a room where Mumbo was working on something. When he turned to grab his wrench, he saw Grian and jumped. "GRIAN?!" He shouted in surprise, "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Well," Grian said, "I wanted to talk to you about the redstone bandit. You've heard of them, haven't you?" Mumbo became tense. "Uh- duhhh YEAH! Of course! I mean who hasn't am I right?" He said in a nervous tone. Grian noticed his shift and got suspicious.

"Why uh... why do you seem so nervous Mumbo?" He asked. Mumbo became more tense. "OH WELL UH- well it's because... it's because uhhh...... Oh right! I uh I've been a bit ill lately but I'm feeling better! A side affect of my illness is uh sweating and stumbling on your words haha!" He said. Grian, being the nice and gullible person he is, accepted Mumbo's poor excuse and continued with his conversation.

"Well, the bandit told me to meet them at the beach at 10:00 pm," Grian said, "I really hope I don't get kidnapped or something..." Mumbo chuckled nervously. "Yeah haha that wouldn't uh... that wouldn't be great would it?" He replied.

The two sat in an awkward silence for a few seconds until Grian said something. "Welp, you get back to what you were doing! I'm gonna go." He said. "Alrighty! Bye!" Mumbo said. As Grian took off he waved goodbye.

Mumbo sighed in relief. "He almost found out my plan..." he said to himself. After some relaxing, he got back to work on finished his little project.


The time was now 10:00 pm and Grian was at the beach with the lever as promised. The bandit stood there, facing towards the ocean. The wind blew his deep black hair backwards towards the soft sands.

Grian walked up to him. "So, you must be the bandit." He said, placing his hands on his hips. The bandit turned to him, a bandana covering half of his face. "Yup that's me." He said in a low tone. Grian looked to the left of the bandit and saw a machine. It was fairly big. It wasn't huge, but it was a decent size.

The bandit looked at Grian and held out his hand. Grian looked at the lever and then back at the bandit. He handed it over and the bandit placed it near some redstone dust that lead out of the machine.

He flipped the switch and suddenly a spark shot out of the machine. Grian looked up to the sky and his eyes went big. The spark was a firework.

As each firework exploded, they spelled a new word.






Grian tilted his head down and looked at the bandit. Except he no longer saw a bandit. He saw Mumbo staring at him with a loving smile. Grian's eyes teared up. "Oh Mumbo you didn't have to do all this..." he said as tears ran down his red cheeks.

Mumbo stood up and held Grian in his arms. "As I always say, go big or go home." He said. Grian chuckled. "You never say that you big dummy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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