🃏Cupid's Messenger🃏

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(This request was made by ProobablyMe Enjoy!)

At the shopping district, Stress was collecting some of the diamonds she got from her shop. As she was leaving, she saw Mumbo and Grian walking along side each other. She noticed something off about their faces.

Grian was more red than usual and Mumbo's hand movements seemed to be all over the place, almost as if he didn't know how to act normally around Grian. It only took her a second before she realized what was going on.

They both had crushes on each other. Stress knew she couldn't let this slide, so she decided to go back to her base to devise a plan to get them together.

She sat thinking for a while until she came up with something. If she was able to secretly send both of them messages and make it seem like the other sent it. Stress got up and flew over to Grian's base to start her mission.

Grian was writing a letter to Mumbo to ask for some supplies when he heard her land. "Oh, hey Stress!" He greeted her. "Hey Grian." She replied. Stress walked to him and put her hand on his chair.

She acted natural, but was examining his handwriting. They talked for a while before Stress knew how she would execute part of her plan, all she needed was Mumbo for the other half.

Stress then said goodbye and left to go over to Mumbo's base. She saw he was carving something, but she knew he never did that so it confused her. She walked up to Mumbo and grabbed his shoulder without warning.

He jumped and turned around. "Stress! Don't scare me like that! I could've messed up!" Mumbo said with an angry tone. Stress rolled her eyes. "Calm down mustache man. Whatcha makin'?" She asked.

Mumbo sighed. "I've been getting into carving lately to impress Gr.....eat people! Yes. Great people would like my carving skills." He said. Stress smirked. "Alright. Whatever you say." She said as she left.

Later that night, Stress was finally ready to execute her perfect plan. First, she quietly snuck into Grian's base and wrote a letter to Mumbo in his handwriting. Next, she put the letter in Mumbo's mailbox and went to see all his carvings.

On of them was a heart with Grian's name carved into it. She grabbed it, made a small tag that said "From Mumbo" and went over to Grian's base and placed it by the entrance.

In the morning Grian woke up and got ready. He opened the front door and saw the small wooden heart resting on his doorstep. He picked it up and read the tag. His face lit up with joy as he went back inside to place it on his desk.

Mumbo, when he was also ready, checked his mailbox and saw a letter from Grian with a heart sticker keeping the envelope closed. He opened the envelope and read the letter inside.

"Dear Mumbo, I think you're really neat and I think we should meet up sometime to go out. Maybe down to the beach or to a nice restaurant? Whatever's fine with you is fine with me ;)

Mumbo smiled and decided to go over to Grian's to ask him if he wanted to go out for a picnic later. As he was flying, he saw Grian flying towards his base and got confused. He shouted his name and got his attention.

"Grian! Why are you going to my base?" Mumbo shouted. Grian flew towards him and they both safely landed on the ground. "I was going to thank you for the beautiful wooden heart you made me." Grian said.

Mumbo's face flushed red. "I didn't give you a wooden heart..." he said. "You didn't? Well why were you flying towards my base?" Grian asked. "You gave me a letter saying I was neat and you wanted to go out with me." Mumbo replied. "No I didn't..." Grian said, confused.

The two talked about it and realized who did this. Stress. They talked about a plan to get her back and then began to execute it. Mumbo flew around the back of her base while Grian flew to the front.

They showered it with eggs and little chicks started to hatch everywhere. Stress was panicking, but then she saw the two of them laughing together. She was happy then, but still pretended to be angry.

As they were flying, Grian and Mumbo bumped into each other and fell into the ocean. They both came up and laughed. "That was amazing!" Grian said in between giggles. "The look on her face!" Mumbo replied.

After they were done laughing, Mumbo held Grian in his arms and looked into his eyes with a smile. "So... you wanna go out sometime?" He asked. Grian chuckled. "Sure." He replied.

He gave Mumbo a light kiss on the cheek and used his rockets to fly out of the water. Meanwhile Mumbo had to be dragged out by Stress because he was in a love-trance.

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