🖤Not Good Enough🖤

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(This is a sad boi oneshots. Warning, you will be sad)

The Architechs were working on some stuff for Sahara. Grian has made a small redstone machine and wanted to show it to Mumbo.
"Mumbo! Look!" He shouted. Mumbo turned around and saw Grian's redstone. With no emotion, he gave him a thumbs up and went back to work.
Grian felt a little insulted, but he just took apart the machine and went to see if he could build anything else.
Iskall saw the whole thing and was mad at Mumbo. He walked over to him and tried to talk to him. "Mumbo, that was rude. Grian was trying to impress you." He told him. Mumbo said nothing.
This only made Iskall even more angry so he grabbed his wrist. "Mumbo-" He was cut off by Mumbo furiously pushing him to the ground.
"I'm trying to work and Grian has been distracting me with his uselessness! This is important!" He yelled. What he didn't know was that Grian was there watching them. He burst into tears and flew back to his base.
"If you don't want to appreciate your teammates then you can just leave!" Iskall shouted as he got up. Mumbo, in a rage, left the store and flew away.


Grian was a Ren's base. He was there because Ren saw him flying by and he saw how upset he was. So, he let Grian stay there for as long as he needed.
It was 8:00 pm and Ren was getting ready for bed. "Sorry that I don't have an extra bed, Grian. You can sleep with me though. Haha." He said jokingly. "Ok." Grian replied. Ren got flustered. "Oh! Um... yeah. Come with me then." He said, playing along.
He got into bed and Grian followed. Ren didn't know what to do until Grian wrapped his arms around his waist. Ren flipped over and looked at Grian. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Ren asked. Grian wipes his tears. "Nothing... I'm just a tad upset that's all..." he said with a shaky voice. Ren didn't like seeing Grian this way so he combed his fingers slowly through Grian's hair, causing him to fall asleep almost instantly.

Mumbo was up late working on some redstone. He could barely focus because he was thinking about what he'd done to Grian.
He wanted to apologize, but he knew he was too deep into trouble. Then, he started to remember everything Grian had done for him and all the times they laughed together. Something started to spark in him, a new feeling. A feeling that made him nervous, but also warm. Hurt, but also healed. Dead, but also alive.
That feeling, it couldn't be..., but it was. Mumbo had to confess.

In the morning, Ren gently woke Grian up for breakfast. Grian reached his arms out and Ren was confused for a second, but then he got the gist.
He sighed and lifted Grian out of the bed and carried him to the table. Grian was surprisingly light, well; it wasn't too much of a surprise.
The two are breakfast and Grian felt a lot better, but he couldn't stop thinking of Mumbo.
"Hey Ren...." He asked, shyly. "Yes?" Ren replied. "Do you know what it's called when someone does something bad to you..." He said, "But you still want to be beside them and hold their hand through everything and tell them all your secrets and-" his rambling was interrupted. "Love. It's love." Ren said, picking up his plate. Grian froze, his face flushed red.
Grian immediately got up and left without any explanation. He ran and ran without any sense of direction or purpose.
He was in the shopping district when he stopped and fell to the cold hard ground, tears falling with each painful thought.
Mumbo was flying to Grian's base when he looked down and saw him on the ground. He swooped down to him and got in his knees.
"Grian! Grian, please! I'm sorry!" He shouted as he burst into tears. Grian could barely hear him, his body ached a pain that he'd never felt before.
Mumbo shook him. "Please, stop... I need you..." Mumbo said. Just then, Iskall came rushing over.
"What happened?!" He asked Mumbo in a panic, but he didn't respond. He just kept crying to Grian, hoping he'd come back, pleading he'd be ok.

Grian regained his conciseness and when he looked around he saw Mumbo sitting beside him. He was in his bed and hooked up to some weird machine that helped him to breathe.
"Mum-bo?" He asked, trying not to move for the pain in his body was still horrible. Mumbo held his hand and looked him in the eyes.
"Yes, Grian. It's me, Mumbo..." he said, holding back tears. Grian smiled. "I... I forgive you..." he said with a gravelly voice. Mumbo held onto him tightly and caressed his soft face.
Doc came in and said that Grian was going to be ok. Mumbo let out a huge sigh of relief, but he didn't let go of Grian.


Grian was finally better. He didn't realize until he left that he didn't tell Mumbo how he felt. So, he went to his base.
"Mumbo?" He asked as he walked towards him. Mumbo turned around and ran towards him. "Grian! Haha! You're ok! You're... not ok?" He seemed confused.
Grian turned red. "Mumbo I... I think I... I think that I.... have feelings for.... you..." he said nervously. Mumbo turned red as well. "So... you feel the same way I do?" He asked. Grian nodded.
Mumbo picked him up and spun him around with joy. "HAHA! YES!" He exclaimed. Grian laughed.
He put him down and Grian told him to kneel down for a second. Mumbo did and Grian backed up, got a running start and tackled him to the ground.
He started attacking Mumbo with kisses. "GAH! Grian stop!" He shouted with laughter. Then, he gained strength and pushed Grian to the ground, returning the favor.
"I love you so much." Grian said with a warm smile. Mumbo blushed. "I love you too." He replied happily.

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