Mikey Way - The Odd Dream (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Damn it, you let him take over yourself again. When you open your eyes, you're surprised to see him looks better. He looks at his hands & feet, they're real now; not translucent anymore. He looks up & smiles that sickening smile again, "Thanks, love." He kisses your cheek, then put on his sunglasses back. But before you could grab onto his arm, or make him stay for a bit longer, he vanishes already; just like that. You let out a shaky breath that you don't realize you've been holding. Things seem to be getting worse, & you still have no clue on how to solve this case of yours.


You kinda slam open the door of your apartment quite harshly, it collides with the adjacent wall with a bang. You rush inside, lock it, & drop everything you've been carrying on the floor. Quickly you rummage through your dresser. You barely remember where you put the crystal; the cursed crystal that started all these mess, but you do remember putting it in one of the drawers. You're panicking, you believe the encounter with DreamMikey just now must've something to do with it.

Found it, you carefully inspect it within your hand. You still have no idea what it does, but your instinct tells you to just get rid of it. Maybe it's the reason behind everything, maybe without it DreamMikey won't be existing in this reality world no more? You're really determined to destroy it. You reach for your car key, & ready to head towards a perfect place where you're sure the crystal will be gone for good.

You keep on driving for a bit, until you reach this old bridge, where people rarely use it anymore. You park your car by the road, & get off walking towards the bridge. When you reach the middle, you take a look down, & is met with fast-running stream, deep down below. It's quite a height, & it gives you this nausea feeling if you keep looking down there.

You take a step back, put your hand in your coat pocket, reaching for the crystal. You take a final glance of it, twirling it between your fingers. 'This is it. I hope this is the right move. Goodbye Mikey.' You thought to yourself, before you throw it away, as far as you can, watching it goes down into the massive waterbody down the bridge. Then you turn around, & begin walking back to your car.


You wake up, do a little stretch, & feel a bit better after last night. So far there's no sign of DreamMikey, you didn't even have a nightmare about him. This is a good sign. You smile a bit to yourself, maybe it was indeed the right act. You tear the blanket off your body, & get off the bed, walking out of your bedroom to find maybe some food or leftovers in the kitchen.

You turn around the corner, ignoring someone's presence in the living room area as you go straight to the kitchen. "Hello, darling~" You almost trip on your own leg, who wouldn't?? Knowing you live alone & hearing someone called out your name is creepy. "W-what are you doing here?? H-how...how..did you get-" "Calm down...or do I have to make you?" He then chuckles darkly, getting up & off your couch as he approaches you, so painfully slow.

You scurry backwards, until your back hits the wall, you gotta admit that you're really terrified of him right now. "I kinda used the last of what's left in me to get in here..." as he trails off, he raises a hand, showing you the once again translucent hand of his. You notice that he glitches once in a while too. "Tell me Y/n, don't you love me anymore? Don't you just miss Mikey?" You try to escape but he already traps you there against the wall.

You hate that you're in this situation again, & what annoys you the most is that you always give in everytime he touches you, or simply ghosts his fingers along your skin. "I need more..." He gently bites onto your jaw, gaining a loud gasp from you. Something snaps you to your senses, "You feed off...my love towards Mikey? That's how you survive?" He then smirks against your skin, before he pulls away. "You're so brilliant Y/n! & you're such a good girl for me. I'm all better now~" He smugly shows both his hands to you.

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