Mikey Way - A Cheesy Gift

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A/N : 6 days away from my birthday, & I came up with this one. Just a piece of thought about birthdays, I'm not too into it, especially mine :')

Y/B/D = your birth date

e/c = eye colour

The day you hated the most is here. Your birthday. The whole month, you've been stressful about it. Because you actually hate it. If only you could skip it, just today, you'd be far more relieved. Not like any other person, they would probably feel thrilled and excited over the fact that their birthday is nearing. But for you, it is a definite no-no. Okay, who are you to lie? Of course you actually are happy, at least a tiny bit, that this month is your special month. I mean, who doesn't? As much as anyone try to deny it, birthday is a special occasion for a personal reason. Sadly, you've pushed away all the happy thoughts about your birthday, and instead replaced them with all those bad memories from your past. It seems that they overpower other sweet memories that you had while growing up. You do realize that you shouldn't have allowed that but, you are helpless about it.

And to tell the truth, it has been years. You kinda have trained yourself not to get excited over your birthday. I guess you can call it a small victory that you have grown used to it every year, feeling numb as your birthdays passed by. Whenever conversing with friends, you always avoid the topic on birthday, knowing that any of them would pop the question and ask when's yours. But for how many times can you avoid it? In any conversation, there will always be a time when you guys discussed about this. Be it whether a random out of nowhere topic or one of your friends' birthday is coming. You kinda feel like being forced to talk about it but always put a smile and sing along to someone's birthday song. As much as you hate birthdays, you can't expect the others to hate them like you. So you fake yourself and pretend that you are actually enjoying their celebrated day, later feeling a bit guilty.

You are snapped out of your thoughts by someone handing you a Starbucks drink. "Earth to Y/n? Hellooo..." Mikey is waving his hand in front of your face now. You let out a soft giggle, then take the drink from his hand. "Thanks." Mikey moves to sit next to you. "You've been off into space lately. Is something bothering you?" Asked a concern Mikey. "Ugh, Mikey. How many times do I have to tell you. I'm fiinneee..." You drag a bit at the last part, slightly annoyed that you have to go through this conversation again with him. "Well you should act like you REALLY are fine then. I already treat you this awesome Starbucks drink!" Mikey is now bragging about how you are not appreciating a drink from heaven - well at least to him. "More like a treat for yourself. You do realize that I'm not much of a fan of coffees!" You spat back at him, in a playful manner. Mikey just sticks his tongue out at you, then you hit him on the shoulder. "Oww." Both of you then share a fit of laughter.

Yes, coffees are not one of your favourites, but you still said yes when Mikey offered to treat you Starbucks. Coz it's Mikey. Every second you spend with him is worth your whole life. Every chance you have to spend your time with him, you would never reject. Mikey is a new friend you made, though it's almost a year of your friendship now. Most of everything about you he already knows. Well, except for a few things - and your birthdate is one of that few. Mikey had tried asking you bout this but you are very good at changing the topic. So here you guys are now, him being unaware that your birthday is actually today.

"I'm sleeping at your place tonight." He blurts out after a moment of comforting silence between you two. "And who gives you the permission to do so?" You send him a playful smirk. "C'mon Y/n, it's like we've never had sleepovers before." He sends you a grin back. You roll your eyes, before he grabs your hand and start your way back to your place. Truth is, Mikey has been worried about you lately. But knowing you, you'll never tell what exactly it is. So Mikey decides to do it his own way, without you aware of it. As for you, while being concern about keeping your current issue from him, you can't help yourself from falling for your new bff. Mikey is the perfect definition of caring, sweet, and cute in a geeky way kind of guy. You secretly enjoy every moment when he's being a bit affectionate to you - like cuddling you on the sofa, or simply being a gentleman when he opens the door for you.

Both of you decide that a good old movie would be nice that night. So you stopped by the convenient store to buy ice creams, unhealthy snacks, and more junk food. "I'm going to shower first okay. Make yourself at home." You said to him as you unlock the door to your small apartment. You go straight to your room then get into the shower. Meanwhile, instead of putting on the movie, Mikey busied himself by going through a few of your stuff, yet at the same time try to respect your privacy. He just takes a look on your photo albums, which he knows anyone wouldn't mind. He goes through an old one, with pictures from when you were a baby till you're around 6 years old. Mikey couldn't keep himself from smiling as he thought how cute your baby pictures are. 'She's still cute now though.' Mikey thought to himself as he blushes.

As he's about to flip to the next page, a picture falls from the album. Mikey bends down and pick it up, and has a look at it. There's a girl holding a cake knife while a smeared of cream is on a corner of her lips. There's no doubt that it's you. Mikey smiles wider, but not until he notices the date - Y/B/D. Then he quickly takes a look at the date on his phone. Today is your birthday!

Mikey starts to panic a bit, thinking how terrible he is as a friend. But then, suddenly your voice interrupts, "Mikey, what are you doing there?" Mikey stands up from where he was sitting, then quickly approach you. "Y/n, why didn't you tell me that it's your birthday?!" says Mikey while he shows the picture. He finally calms from his panic state, then continues, "You know what, we should plan a party! What are we doing here?? Let's go get our friends and - " He begins to tug at your sleeve but stop when you aren't moving.

"Y/n?" He takes a closer look at your face. You are crying! Mikey felt a pang on his chest, but what did he do? Why are you crying? Mikey is getting more concerned. "Y-y/n...hey, c'mon, look at me. What's wrong?" Both of his hands are on your cheeks now. You cry harder into his hands. Seeing you like this almost brought Mikey to tears himself. But then you speak, "I-i... I don't like to be reminded about it." You lift your face to look at him in the eyes. Mikey is confused, but didn't force you to tell him why, and let you take your time. Then you continue, "I-I don't like my birthday! Why do I even exist? There's no reason to celebrate if people never appreciate my presence! I'm better off!!" Mikey is so shocked by your sudden outburst. You are never like this. Mikey has known you as a positive and cheerful person. After hearing your confession on what you've been feeling inside, it broke his heart so much.

Mikey quickly engulf you in a comforting hug, holding you so tight like he's afraid that he might lose you. He buries his face on top of your head, taking in your scent. "I'm glad that you open up to me but, I'm so sorry that it had to be this way." Mikey is stroking your hair now. You are lost for words, but cry harder in his embrace. After a few moments, Mikey let go of you, only to take your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears on your cheeks in a very delicate way. "Please do me a favour, Y/n... Promise me, that you'll never keep anything from me anymore ok?" You nod at him, sniffling a bit. "Please don't do this to yourself, and to me too. I care so much for you. It hurts me if I'm unable to help you. I want to always be there for you. Please let me...please, give me the chance."

You tilt your head a bit to the left, mind processing on what he just said as Mikey pulls his hands away and rubs the back of his head. "Mikey?" You start, but suddenly he cuts you off. "I love you Y/n. I want to be that special someone in your life, not just as your best friend. Y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He sounds like he just said all that in one breath, with a hint of nervousness in his tone. You are speechless, your body system seems like shutting off at that moment. Seeing your stiffen body, with no response from you, Mikey continues, "I-I know that this is a bit sudden, a-and super cheesy, plus i-it's your birthday, but-" You cut him off with two fingers on his lips to shut him up. Now it's Mikey's turn to become stiffen. You remove your hand away and wipe the remaining tears on your face, before putting both hands on his cheeks. "Yes." You whisper happily as your faces are only inches away.

Very happy to hear your answer, Mikey's hands are also on your cheeks now as he kisses you passionately. Both of you can feel each other's smile in the kiss. Your lips keep attached for a longer moment, before the two of you pull away, then laugh for no reason. "I love you too, Mikey. It is indeed a cheesy gift on my birthday." You giggle as you lean your forehead on his. Mikey smirks at you as he stares into your e/c eyes. Then he leans forward to give you another deep, passionate kiss. That night, you guys still carry on with the movie, cuddling on the sofa, while sharing the snacks that you bought, but the feeling is a bit different, it feels warmer, knowing that Mikey has become yours.

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