Chapter 53: Amusement Park

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   Lucille's P.O.V.~

  I spent the whole night in my bed, tossing and turning at the thought of being teleported back as a temporary situation. I understood why Camilo wants to try to force the answer to his question out of me but I really couldn't help him even if I wanted to.

  Finally, after tossing around for a few more hours, my home phone rang and I picked it up.

  "Hello, this is Lucille Arlond speaking." I said, sounding tired to even my own ears. "What do you need?"

  "Lucille!" Aqua's voice chirped. "Do you want to go hang out today?"

  "Don't we have school today?" I asked and looked at the calendar only to realize that it was Saturday. "Oh, never mind. Where would you like me to meet you?"

   "How about in front of the school?" He asked. "I'll meet you there at ten."

  "Sounds good." I replied. "I'll see you then."

  I put the phone back onto its charger then realized something odd. Didn't Aqua have my cellphone number?

  I looked around my room and realized that it was nowhere to be found. Wait, did I lose it in the other world? It should be dead and useless because I forgot to charge it and we get no signal there, but that means I need a new one.

  "Miss, it's time for breakfast." A maid called out to me behind my closed door.

   "I got it." I said and opened my large wardrobe's door. To be honest, most of the clothes I own are barely worn because I mostly wear my school uniform and the other two days are my everyday outfits.

   Finally, I decided to wear a white rayon blouse and a black overall skirt. I quickly put them on and grabbed a black headband before walking downstairs towards the dining table.

   "Good morning!" Everyone greeted me as I sat down by myself with much more food then I can eat on the long lonely table.

  "Good morning." I greeted them back and looked at the food. "What's the occasion?"

   "It seems like the cooks were in a good mood and made extra food today." A butler told me.

   "Why don't you all join me in having some food then?" I invited them, gesturing at the food. "I highly doubt that I can finish all of this and it'll make me feel bad if we just throw it all into the waste."

   "Miss, this food was especially prepared for you." A maid said and I shrugged.

   "Then it is my order that you all join me in eating this." I replied and since it was my order, all the servants sat down with me, filling up all the empty seats and began to eat.

   "Miss, it is almost nine." A maid tells me and I remember that it takes a while to actually get to school.

   "Can you guys prepare a car for me?" I asked and one of the butler bows at me then practically runs out the door to start up a car.

  I quickly ate my food then hurried to the now awaiting car.

  "Where will you like to go?" The butler asked me.

   "Take me to the school." I replied and his eyes widened a bit.

  "It is Saturday today though." He pointed out and I shrugged.

  "That's fine." I replied and he stopped bothering to question me. We drove relatively slowly, due to the horrifying traffic and red lights.

  When we finally arrived, I could see that Aqua arrived early and was waiting for me while leaning against the school's gate.

   "Aqua!" I cried, waving as I got out of the car and he looked up.

   "You're right on time." He said, his black hair glistening in the sun.

   "That's right, I am." I smiled back. "Where are we going?"

    "It's~ A~ S-E-C-R-E-T~!" He spells out and grabs my hand. "Just follow me."

   I felt kind of awkward from holding his hands for many reasons. One, it's because lots of girls kept looking at me like they want to kill me and two, he wasn't Arthur.

  We kept walking until Aqua finally halts to a stop in front of an amusement park.

  "We are here!" He cheered. "I won some tickets here from some raffle the other day and I thought I should take you here!"

  "You could've just told me to meet you here instead of the school." I told him and he gives a mischievous smirk.

   "Then it wouldn't be as fun as a surprise then." He said and pulls me lightly towards the gate. Aqua hands over his tickets to the gate keeper, who gives him a stamp on his hand and on mine.

   "It's just a way for them to know that we got a fast pass so we can avoid line ups." He explained. "Which ride do you want to go on first?"

  "Uh.." I haven't been to an amusement park in ages. "How about a merry-go-round?"

  "The merry-go-round?" Aqua repeated. "The kiddish ride?"

  "I don't know any rides and you told me to choose." I replied and he nodded like this all makes sense. We ended up riding it with a bunch of toddlers, making me feel bad for Aqua who seemed somewhat embarrassed by that.

  "You can choose the next one." I told him and he thinks for a moment.

  "How about the rollercoaster?" He asks and I shrugged, not really knowing how bad the ride was. And to be completely honest, I do regret that I agreed. The roller coaster was huge and had many loops and spirals around it, causing me to feel sick halfway through the ride.

   We continued to go through ride to ride until we found ourselves at night in front of the last ride we haven't ride on, which was the Ferris wheel.

    "Please make sure your feet and hands are inside the cart at all times for safety reasons." The ride operator said and closed the door, making it a small space with just Aqua and I.

  "So.." Aqua said, pulling something out of his pocket, which was a small thin book. "I got something to show you, other than taking you here."

  "What is it?" I asked and accepted the book, glancing at the title. "The Death of King Arthur..?"

  "This was the set ending created for the game from my cousin." He said and my face turned pale as I skimmed through the pages.

   "He dies from his half sister?" I gasped and closed the book with a loud slam. "That's terrible."

  "It really is." Aqua replied and I gripped the book until my knuckles turned white. I have to prevent this.. And I have to go back to do so..


   So I'm starting to think that I made Aqua too kind and goofy- but that's fineeeee

  Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter~! Please vote and comment and I hope to see y'all in the next chapter~!^.^*

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