Chapter 51: War with the Saxons

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  Lucille's P.O.V.~

   I stood next to Arthur, with my staff extended in front of me as the cold wind mercilessly blew, causing me to shiver.

  "All troops, prepare yourself for battle!" Arthur yelled over the howling wind. "Knights of the Vanguards, attack the enemy's main troops while the rest go to the main ward to break their front line."

  "Commence attack!" He ordered and the iron gate lifted, causing everyone to charge into the other arriving army. Yelling from both sides could be heard as they attacked and fell dead on the icy ground.

   All I could see were blood and bloodlust everywhere. Remember.. this is a game..

  Unfortunately, some knight from the Saxon's decided to greet me with a swing that I wasn't prepared of. Stupidly, I stood still and Arthur as well as Lancelot intercepted his blade and sliced his head off.

  "What are you doing?" Arthur demanded, wiping the fallen man's blood off his face. "No one here will pity you and will kill you without hesitation."

  "I know." I said and shook off my fear. I charged into the front lines and summoned multiple fire balls and wind, shooting them in multiple directions and successfully wiping out quite a bit of knights. However, this did not effect this one red knight, who began to drag his latest victim towards me.

  I couldn't see his eyes, but I could feel his bloodlust leaking from his helmet. He quickly dropped the dead man and ran towards me, taking a huge leap and swinging his sword down, which I used my staff to block. I could feel my exhaustion from using too many spells at once and I knew that I must defeat this guy to bring victory to Britain.

  Casting spells while parlaying and dodging is incredibly hard. I almost got hit quite a few times, making me stop casting the spell whenever I start it. However, luck did seem to be on my side because the knight got distracted by Arthur who finally noticed I was in trouble and decided to interfere with our battle.

   Quickly, I raised my staff in the air and changed it to the bow, and notched an arrow at the knight. The spell that I had chanted effects were placed on the arrow, making the person who gets hit fall into deep sleep. My eyes began to sag as I tried to aim it properly.

  Taking a deep breath, I let go of the arrow and my eyes completely closed, causing me to black out.

  Time Skip~

  "Am I still alive?" I blinked my eyes open and saw that I was surrounded by Lancelot, Kai, Terry and the rest except Arthur. "Is everyone still alive?"

  "Relax, everyone is fine." Lancelot said and pats my head. "His Majesty even managed to capture Nirdersa with the help of you."

  "Ah, so I managed to hit him?" I blinked and Kai nodded enthusiastically.

  "Lucille, you should get some more rest." Lancelot said and his voice fell into a whisper. "His Majesty was in a state of panic when you fell earlier."

"Lancelot, what are you saying to her?" Arthur asked as he stepped into the room. "All of you, get out."

  Everyone quickly leaves the room and Arthur goes beside the bed I was resting on.

  "Why'd you use that spell?" Arthur sighed. "You really would've gotten killed if you had missed or if anyone else would've gone for you."

"I didn't want you to die either!" I exclaimed. "If I hadn't tried, you might've been killed and how could I live knowing the whole reason you died was because I didn't do anything?"

  "W-Well.." Arthur stammered and I continued to rant.

  "I was just tired of taking out the front line of knights and he comes along with his shiny red armour. No one else was able to stop him and I was running low on energy due to my spell earlier and my dodging." I said. "I just want you to believe in me like how I believe in you to stay alive, and it'd be a great trade if I died just to take down that guy too."

"How stupid are you?" Arthur asked. "I rather have you alive and I die."

  "That's how I feel." I agreed and he gave another sigh with a tired smile.

  "Thank you though." He said and leaned on my shoulder. "I appreciate everything you've done today."

  "Anything for you." I replied. "Anything."

  Time Skip~

  It seems that Arthur decided to ditch me at the camp while he goes to take Nirdesa to Camelot with some secret route that even I didn't know about.

  I stepped out of the tent to see that only Lamorak was around.

  "Good morning, Lamorak!" I greeted him and he nods at me.

  "Good morning, Miss Lucille." He replied. "What are you doing out here?"

  "I just wanted some fresh air." I replied which he nodded at. "You decided to not join Arthur with his journey?"

  "I've been ordered to keep you safe instead." He said. "Personally, from His Majesty."

  "That's so.." I could feel the air change around us and I quickly pushed Lamorak down as a red arrow came whizzing pass the place we were just standing.

  I quickly summoned my bow and notched it, watching as another red knight in similar armour approached us by horse.

  "Where is my brother?" He demanded and Lamorak covered me from his sight. "If you don't answer, then you'll have to answer to my sword."

  "If you want to know, then you'll have to get through me first then!" Lamorak cried and charged towards Camilo, who dodges with ease and gets off his horse rather gracefully.

  He quickly stabs Lamorak in multiple places and he falls to the ground.

  "Where is he?" Camilo demanded and buries his sword into Lamorak's shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain.

  "Let go of him!" I yelled at him and released my arrow, which he barely dodges and destroys his helmet, showing his beautifully scared face and long red hair. Camilo whistles and two other knights appear behind him before he comes and picks me up, my bow disappearing for some reason and he sticks a needle into my arm.

  "Miss Lucille!" Lamorak exclaimed but Camilo quickly makes his horse goes faster and I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness once more.


   I think the next chapter is purely dedicated to Lucifer and Lucille- Isn't that fun-

  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! Please vote and comment and I hope to see y'all in the next chapter~!^.^*

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