Chapter 7: Start of Training

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Sorry for the late update!


Lucille's P.O.V.~

It was at dinner time when I had another idea to play with Arthur's mood again. Why? Well because I just feel like it. Today, we were eating pig ears (Which I hate). I just waited for a while till he wasn't paying attention and flicked the meat at his head, making his eyes flare up with anger and me giggling.

Time skip to next day~

Merlin has woken us up early to start the training.

  "I will be teaching you how to ride a horse today." He said and pats a white horse with his hand. "This is a basic skill for all knights."

Being part of the upper class, I had my share of learning how to ride horses. Unlike real people, animals seem to like me a lot. Except maybe Dong in the beginning..

"Lucille? Are you paying attention?" Merlin asks as he waves one of his hands to get my attention.

  "Oh! Yes I am, sorry about that." I said, snapping out of thought.

"She's probably day dreaming of eating lots of food like a pig." I hear Arthur whisper behind my back to Kai.

Just you wait.. I'll make you take your words back "^"

"Lucille, go ride the horse." Merlin said and pats the horse's saddle on its back as an indication of where to sit.

I walked sassily to the horse and got onto the saddle. The horse's eyes began to change into a darker brown colour. It's always been like this but I don't really understand what actually happens..

I leaned down, pressing my chest against the horse's neck. "Go." I whispered and the horse began to take off.

"Whoa! Look at Lucille go!" Kai cheered loudly as I reached one of the training ground's trees.

For some odd reason, I can always hear Arthur's complaints. "She's not that good.." Arthur muttered back, looking away.

Huehuehue Tsundere~

"Great job, Lucille!" Merlin exclaimed as my horse trots back to where they were. "You're a natural!"

I jumped off the horse and pats it's head. "Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"A natural pig.." Arthur said obnoxiously and Kai snorted. I felt my face flare in anger.

"OI!" I yelled and marched to where he was standing. "You're gonna get it!"

I wrapped my hands around his smaller body and began to tickle him.

Arthur's laugh was hilarious. It had a bunch of hahaheehees which made me join along with him.

"No-No fair!" Arthur said, in between laughs. "S-Stop!"

"Never~" I sang and tickle him more. "Feel my wrath!"

"Alright that's enough for now." Merlin said. "We need to get back to training."

"Kay.." I replied, reluctant to stop tickling Arthur but I followed his instructions.

"I'll get you next time.." Arthur said, glaring at me. I smiled back at him.

"Go ahead and try." I said smugly and faced away from him.


Hello everyone~ I'm going to update this book ASAP~ so please look forward to it! This amazing cover is made by _LisaNguyen_  who is like talented at everything. I'll be altering the cover between this one and another one~

Anyways, please vote and comment~ Steffan out~^.^*

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