Chapter 12: Time Passes Too Quickly For One Day~!

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Quick Recap~

     I started to get up when suddenly, a boy with long blond hair comes out of nowhere and points a sword to my throat.

  "Who are you.?" He demanded, menacingly.

Lucille's P.O.V.~

    I can recognize those beautiful purple eyes from anywhere.. It's Arthur but he's supposed to be seven.. Right?

    Arthur blinks then his cheeks turn red, like back then.

  "Lucille?!" He exclaims, and pulls back his sword from my face. "Where have you been?!? I've been searching everywhere for you!"

  "Arthur?!?" I cried, and stood up. I was only up to his chin. "Wow! You gotten tall in a few years! You weren't kidding about what you said when you were seven!"

Arthur tilted his head to look away from me, hiding now the bottom half of his face with his free hand.

"Of course, I did," he said, bashfully. He lowered his tone a bit. "I have to be.."

  "Excuse me.?" I exclaimed. "Can you repeat that?"

  "It's nothing.. It's just natural that I'll be taller than you because I'm a guy." He said and I humphed.

Flashback~ Five Years Ago

3rd Person's P.O.V.~

Thirteen year old Arthur always hated drinking milk. He wasn't really that picky (except when it comes to eggs now) but he just didn't like the taste of it.

   Kai, who was fifteen, was still training hard to become a knight, had always made fun about Arthur's height.

"Girls always like guys who are taller than them," Kai boasted. "And with good looks."

    So she will like taller guys?

"So how do you become taller?" Arthur asked Kai, who seemed proud for some reason.

"Well," Kai exclaims, nose pointed to the sky. "You have to have tall parents and drink lots of milk."

"Milk?!? But it taste terrible!" Arthur exclaimed, making a disgusted face.

"It's supposed to be good for your bones," Kai shrugs. "And only boys who want to be tall drink milk."

Arthur sighed. "I'll go ask for milk later then.."

Bit of Time Skip~ To when Arthur was Fifteen and Kai was Seventeen~

Arthur had been drinking milk for three years in a row and he had finally grown to the same height as Kai. Poor Kai was a bit upset that he couldn't make fun of Arthur's height anymore.

But am I taller than her?

Back to the Present~
Lucille's P.O.V.~

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