Chapter 1: New Game

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Lucille's P.O.V.~

"C'mon.. C'mon.." I muttered under my breath as I loaded my gun to shoot the final opponent.


"YES!" I screamed with joy as the words 'GAME OVER' flashed on my computer screen. "I FINISHED ANOTHER GAME~"

I smiled, probably looking like an idiot for a minute until the smile fell off my face. 'Now I need to get another game.'

You see, I've been playing PC games ever since I was young. All of the games I tried were always too easy, since they were really straight forward. Even in multiplayer games, all you needed to do is cooperate with your team well and you'll win most of the time.. If they aren't assholes themselves.

"Lady Lucille!" I hear my maid yell from my bedroom door. "It's time for school!"

    I sighed and closed my PC, taking off my headset.

"Yes, I'm coming. Please get the car ready." I said as I grabbed my uniform and throw it on. I looked myself in the mirror in my room and straightened my collar. I'll get a game after school I guess..

At school~

   "It's Lucille Arlond!" I hear a girl whisper yell to her friend in the hallway. "I heard that she beat up a senior yesterday."

    'I wish people know that I can hear them since they aren't really whispering..' I mentally sighed.

"Really? I heard that she went out with half of her classmates and broke up with all of them." Her friend whisper yells back.

    What a bunch of losers..

    I think they felt my gaze when I stared at them since their eyes widened with shock and hurried away, leaving me alone in the now empty hallway.

    Time Skip to After School~

   "Can you please drop me off here?" I asked my driver, as we drove along the street of the game store.

"Yes, Miss." He replied, parking carefully next to the destination I chose.

   I always went to this small second handed shop on the corner of Hexal Street because I just loved the design of it. The whole place had a vintage design that makes you feel like you are living in the 1800s.

   I get out of the car and thank my driver quickly. "Please pick me up in half an hour." I said.

    "Yes, miss." Was my reply as my driver sped away.

In the store~

     "Hi Mr. Brunely! Do you have any new games?" I ask the store owner.

   Mr. Brunely had been running this second hand shop for about a decade. He is this old lively man that always gives you a kind smile no matter what you said to him, which was quite rare, especially for the time period we are living in.

     "Well, a young man dropped off this game not so long ago." He says smiling at me. He bends over the counter to hand me the disc. 'The Legend of King Arthur.' It reads.

'It looks promising.' I thought. "How much is it?" I ask as I take out my wallet.

Mr. Brunely smiles. "It's on me. Let's just say it's a gift." He winks.

I gasp. "Thanks so much Mr. Brunely!" I exclaimed as I hug the CD to my chest. I looked at my watch and saw that my driver was outside. "I will have to see you next time!" I said as I waved goodbye to him and left the store.


I hope I made this okay~ Please vote and comment~
Steffan Out~^.^*

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