Chapter 15: Mountain Hunting Trip

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Lucille's P.O.V.~

Winter has finally arrived into this world and too be honest, I love the snow. It's so fluffy and cold, which I love more than the heat.

Kai seemed to be a bit mad a from that birthday prank I did on him but he quickly forgave me after a long rant again. I was sitting by the fireplace when Kai came around again to talk to me once again.

"Hi Lucille!" Kai exclaimed in his usual carefree tone. Oh, hell-

"Hi Kai!" I exclaimed, trying to give the biggest grin I can muster for him. "How are you?"

That was possibly one of the biggest mistake I have done since Kai started talking about his day with every detail possible. He was able to talk for about an hour (Yes, I was counting the seconds as he talked) then he finally said something that I was somewhat interested in.

"Are you going to this year's hunt?" Kai asked me. "We usually go hunting for deers and bears during this season."

"Bears?" I asked, amused by the thought of Kai hunting a bear without crying. "Are you the one who kills them?"

  Kai huffs and pounds his chest witty pride. "I already killed two of them."

  "And you're scared of squirrels?" I said, studying my nails. "Last time you seen a squirrel, you started screaming then ran away like a little boy."

  "T-That's because it appeared out of n-nowhere." Kai said, looking away from me. "T-That squirrel c-could be a magician in disguise."

  "Like who?" I mused. "Name one person who would turn into a squirrel just to grab an acorn with it's teeth and scurry back up a tree."

"Uh.." Kai scratches the back of his head. "Merlin..?!?"

I began to choke with laughter from that.

"M-Merlin??" I asked between laughs. I felt tears dropping from my eyes. "A-Are you kidding me??"

"What?" Kai started acting all sassy. "Are you saying that Merlin can't be a squirrel if he wants? Don't assume things for him."

   "You're the one who suggested that he would be a squirrel." I replied and Kai looked away, his face showing a pout.

   "Stop talking back at m-me!" He commanded, his face looking all flustered as he pointed at me.

  "Why not?" I teased, watching him squirm more. "Are you scared that I'm going to expose you.?"

  "Expose who?" Arthur's voice seemed to come from behind us and I turned around to see Arthur in winter looking clothing. He was wearing a black close fitting turtleneck that I made just for him because I thought he would look amazing in it. And he does. The turtleneck showed off his long neck and seemed to fit perfectly across his wide chest, outlining every piece of muscle he had.

   "I was just about to expose Kai," I explained to Arthur as I sat in another position which involved me to be leaning on the hand rest of the couch I was sitting on.

   "There is nothing you can expose!" Kai exclaims and laughs behind his hand. I shook my head.

  "Hey Arthur?" I asked him in an unnecessarily loud voice. "Do you want to sit next to me so I can tell you the story of Kai running away from squirrels?

   Arthur's eyebrows lit up in amusement. "Sure, why not?"

   He was just about to sit down next to me when Kai slides on to the couch like a baseball player sliding into home base.

   "Hold up!" Kai exclaimed, making a nerve in Arthur's forehead bulge for a second. "I got something to ask you, Arthur."

   "What is it?" Arthur asked, in an unusually cold tone as he crossed his arms over his chest.

   Kai quickly switches the subject. "Lucille seems interested in going hunting with us this year."

  One of Arthur's eyebrows shot up.

  "Is that so?" He asked, somewhat amused.

   I nodded and he gave a small smile.

  "We will go when we have training together then." Arthur decided out loud and Kai as well as I cheered.

"We shall head out tomorrow." He announced. "So be sure that you have everything before we go!"


  *when your waifu dies in the avengers infinity war T.T*

*Fake Love by BTS is also out and I'm somewhat hyped by it*

   Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment~ Steffan Out~^.^*

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