Chapter 13: Lovey-Dovey Talk at Archery Practice

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  Lucille's P.O.V.~

It has been several days since that small incident. I had already made up with Arthur and we were back to good terms.. At least as well as you can get with him. I had also mastered using wind magic, as well as fire magic. To be completely honest, it was quite easy to learn since it's usually just saying a word and something would happen.

    I was sitting under a pillar, just away from the sunlight reading the same magic book again. I don't particularly hate the sunlight but I didn't like the feeling of sunlight on my skin. As well, it was quite bright so I tend to stay in the shade as much as possible.

    "Lucille, are you reading that book again?" Merlin's quiet musical voice asked.

    "Yes.. I'm just reviewing the materials I memorized to make sure they were right." I said, closing the book shut. "Do you need anything?"

Merlin gave me a closed eyed grin. "I was just wondering if you want to take a stroll around with me."

I couldn't resist his sweet smile for some reason so I nod and silently follow him to a huge field full of light pink flowers.

"These are so pretty!" I exclaimed and leaned down to smell a flower. It smelt like a mix of roses and carnations.

Merlin flashed me his pearly white teeth and laughed quietly. "I knew you'd love this place."

Merlin seemed lost in thought for a while. "Two years ago, this land has been totally empty so I'm quite surprised to find chamomile flowers blooming here."

"Their seeds must've flown here," Merlin continued. "It's quite remarkable."

"Yes," I agreed to his statement. "Although, they look like they could possibly be taken away by the wind anytime."

"They won't fly away since their insides are very tough but even if they did, they would germinate somewhere else." Merlin explained. "Chamomile represents resilience as well as strong determination to live and never give up."

"I think I know why you brought me here." I said, after a small silence. "You want me to not give up my reality with yours."

Merlin nods. "Do you still remember the fourth out of eight knight's virtues?"

I racked my brain. "It's responsibility."

"That's correct." Merlin said. "Never giving up is one of your responsibilities. It doesn't only apply in game but as well as real life."

"Thank you.. I'll keep that in mind." I replied.

"I hope you do." He said.

Time Skip~!

"What is this?" Lord Luan asked me with confusion.

   "This is called a fork." I exclaimed, proudly showed them my 'creation'. "It'll help us eat easier and is more hygienic than using our hands."

"I'll show you how to use it." I said and stabbed a piece of steak I cut. "You like it onto a food item then put it into your mouth."

  "Like this?" Lady Luan asks and imitated what I did. "Ah- it helps keep the flavour in my mouth."

   "What are you using then?" Arthur asked me.

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