Breaking Point

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The Nogitsune was dead. That should've been the turning point. When things would start to get easier, and back to some form of normal. But it felt like the opposite.

Dad had officially been declared brain dead. There was nothing else the doctors could do for him, and there was nothing I could do to bring him back as a Guardian. It felt like a twisted ending to a terrible book.

It wasn't fair, it should've been me lying in this bed. He didn't deserve to pay for my mistakes.

"Alright, we're going to get started now, if you're ready." The nurse spoke softly. I stood against the wall behind Evan and our Mother while they held his hand. "I'm going to turn off the ventilators and remove his breathing tube."

I crossed my arms tightly, trying to keep my breathing under control. Trying to keep everything under control. I didn't normally feel rage and impulse the other wolves did, but I felt it now. I wanted to scream, and break everything in sight.

I just had to get through today.... Just one day.

I watched tearfully as the nurse turned off all the machines surrounding his bed. The final step, removing the tube in his throat. Once it was out, she respectively left the room to us.

I could only see my Father's face from here, but I could feel Evan and my Mother breaking inside. It was crumbling inside me as well.

A few minutes passed before the machine started to beep rapidly. His heart fought to keep beating, but without air it would soon cave. I reached up to my chest, grasping my pendant tightly.

My heart sunk in my chest when the beeping switched to a steady ongoing line. That was it, he was gone. I couldn't-

I pushed away from the wall, sprinting out of the room. My sprint turned into a run down the hospital halls, I didn't stop or slow down. Not when I was outside, not till I was miles away.

By the time I reached my home, the sun was beginning to set. I returned to a slow walk about a mile away, and kept my eyes focused on the grey cement under my feet.

I finally looked up once I reached the walkway to our porch. There, sitting on the steps was Isaac.

"Hey." I said, my voice showing no signs of interest or happiness to see him.

"Hey." He cleared his throat, standing up.

I approached him slowly, digging my hands into my jacket. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Saying uh.... Saying goodbye, I guess." He said, hanging his head for a moment. "Argent, he- asked me to come to France with him.... So, I'm gonna go."

"That's.... good. For you." I managed to nod with a neutral expression.

"I'm really sorry, about your Dad, Kara...." He said meeting my gaze. He reached out, taking my hand lightly. "And I'm really sorry- for leaving like this-"

"It's okay." I cut him off. "I understand. You're smart you know- to get out of this place while you still can.... I hope, I hope you find what you're looking for."

"You too." He nodded.

He closed the space between us, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I instinctively snaked my arms around his waist, but it didn't bring me any comfort. We'd been through so much, it was only making things harder to say goodbye to him.

"I'm gonna miss you." I sniffled against his jacket.

"This isn't goodbye, not forever-" He inhaled sharply, pulling away.

"I know..." I nodded. But it felt like it. It might've actually been.

He lingered for a few seconds more before walking back down the porch to the sidewalk. I watched him walk down the street until he disappeared around a corner.

I turned towards my front door, my hand hovering over the wooden handrail. There wasn't a single part of me that wanted to go inside. All I'd be able to think about was that my Dad was gone, I'd never talk or see him again.

I backed up, my eyes shifting to Scott's house. It was a school day but I doubt he went. I'm pretty sure none of us had the energy after the other night.

I hesitantly walked across the lawn, and slowly made my way up the steps. I took a deep, about to knock when I saw him. Through one of the windows I could see him sitting at the table, hunched over while his mother hugged him from behind.

He was.... He was crying.

I inhaled sharply, feeling something tearing at my chest. This is never going to go away, the pain you're feeling now. It's gonna stay there forever, and every time you're reminded of her, it'll hurt all over again....

Derek's words rang in my head over and over like a bell. He was grieving- he was in pain. Pain that I'd caused. Derek was right, I was never gonna forget her. The pain, it was just as bad now as it was then.

I'd be reminded of her every time I looked at him. I backed down the steps, stumbling on the last one. I managed to grab the handrail before I fell, but I was still bent over in pain.

I killed her....

I killed her....

I bolted back across the lawn. I didn't hesitate this time, I just burst through the door, running up the stairs. My head was spinning, and I wasn't thinking clearly, that much I knew.

But it didn't matter, there was no scenario I could come up with that would work. This was the only way I could escape the pain.

I kneeled beside my bed, my hands searching underneath for my old duffel bag. My fingers found what they were searching for and I tossed the empty bag on my bed.

I wasn't sure what I needed, so I just threw in random clothes until it was almost full. I looked around my room. I didn't even recognize anything. Everything had lost all meaning and purpose. I zipped the bag up, my eyes landing on my phone on the edge of my nightstand.

I picked it up, there were dozens of missed calls from my Mom and Evan, but I clicked it off. I took one last look before dropping it on the bed. I ripped off my necklace, dropping it on the bed as well. I wasn't worthy of it. I was nothing but a stain on my family's legacy.

My fingers trembled but I grabbed my bag, swinging it over my shoulder. I didn't stall, or take anything else. I just followed my steps back out until I was on the sidewalk again.

I took one last look back. To my home, to Scott's. But It wasn't home anymore. Both places radiated pain and loss.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked ahead. I hadn't a clue where I was going to go, I just knew it couldn't be here.

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