It Wasn't Him

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It's only been two days, but I never left his side for even a minute. I watched my Mother sleep at his bedside while I sat in another chair a nurse brought in. She looked exhausted. None of us had slept much since it happened.

After chaos erupted, Stiles went missing again. Isaac was in intensive care as well, but they wouldn't let anyone in to see him. I finally forced Evan to go home this morning. Neither of us should be missing this much school, but I couldn't even begin to think about it.

I craned my neck, stretching my sore muscles, and stood on my feet. I was sore all over, but I could still take more. I moved to the other side of the bed, careful not to disturb my mother.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, taking his hand. He had burns all up his arm, and the side of his neck. I took a deep breath in preparation, and began taking his pain. Just a little a first, then more, and more. Until I started to feel numb in my arm.

"Kara?" Scott's voice whispered in the doorway.

I glanced at him, then back at my sleeping mother. I set his hand back down, and walked over to him. I pulled him outside, and shut the door as to not disturb her. Scott wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I Ient my head to his chest.

"How's he doing?" Scott asked.

"I don't know..." I swallowed dryly. "The doctors are still running tests, they don't know how extensive any internal damage might be.... If all else fails, at least he can come back as a Guardian."

".... it's gonna be okay." He said after a moment, his hand combing through my hair.

"Are you going to see Isaac?" I asked.

"Yeah, you haven't checked on him?" Scott asked, confused.

"I can't, they said only family can." I said irritated. I glanced down the hall, Allison was still waiting in a chair outside his door. "She's been here since yesterday."

"It's a good thing my mom gave me this." Scott says pulling out an ID badge with his mother's face on it. I perked up a little, and we walked quickly down the hall.

"We're gonna have to be quick." Scott says looking around for any staff. Allison jumped up, and we rushed inside the room. I closed the door behind us, making sure no one witnessed us breaking in.

"I thought it'd be healing by now...." Allison said.

I walked over to the bed, and she was right. His burns weren't any better than when it happened.

"So did I...." Scott said.

I reached for Isaac's hand, and took some of his pain. He stirred for a moment, but didn't wake. I wasn't able to take much, but I hoped it was enough to kickstart something.

"Did Stiles really do all this?" Allison asked hesitantly.

"Whatever's controlling him did it- whatever's inside him." Scott said, almost defensively.

"Well, then how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?" I demanded. I tried so desperately not to blame him for this. It's not his fault that thing's controlling him. But my Dad is hanging on by a thread. I just had to keep telling myself it wasn't him.

"I'm working on it...." Scott answered.

"I have to- to get back." I said, stepping away from Isaac's bed. "Call me if anything happens."

"Yeah." Scott says rubbing my elbow comfortingly. 

Unhinged ☾ TEEN WOLF {4}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin