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This must've been how Stiles had felt the past few weeks. Knowing someone was hijacking his body, forcing him to do horrible things. There was nothing he could do to stop it. I suddenly felt sick with guilt, for being angry with him for even a second.

I still couldn't resist trying to remove the cuff, but it was long past hopeless at this point. There was no escaping him.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Scott and Stiles, they'd soon come looking for us, and I was gonna be forced to hurt, or kill, them. I couldn't know for sure who he wanted me to kill, I just knew I'd know when the time came. I prayed they would kill me first.

I'd given up trying to look around for an exit to these tunnels. I wouldn't be able to leave even if I knew where to go. I sat up against the wall, my head firmly between my knees.

Lydia, of course, wouldn't give up. She slowly walked through the tunnels, but she looked heavily distracted by something. It must've been the voices.

"Can you hear them?" His voice echoed from somewhere in the tunnels. "Louder than usual, isn't it? Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here."

I barely lifted my head, I could see him slowly walking towards us. The light shining from behind him casting a dark shadow over his face. Lydia looked back at him frightened, then continued to try and walk through the narrow tunnel.

"What are the voices telling you?" He asked curiously. "Are they saying that Stiles is dying? He is, you know...."

He walked past me, and I completely ignored him. I forgot for a second that Lydia was down here as well. But I couldn't help her, I couldn't protect her if it came down to it. He wouldn't let me.

"He's dying..." He repeated tauntingly.

"Then what do you need me for?" She demanded, her voice cracked and shrill. "You think I can tell you something?"

"Oh, I know you can." He chuckled. I stood up, slowly stalking him from behind.

"I'm not telling you anything!" She says defiantly.

She was backed into a corner, and he was now inches from her face. I let my claws grow, and motioned for her to keep him distracted.

"Oh you won't have to- you'll be screaming...." he said menacingly.

I shoved my hand forward, my claws aimed right for his spine. I had the momentum, but my hand froze just centimeters away from him.

He started chuckling, his head still facing towards Lydia. "Ahahhh...." he sighed. "You didn't really think that would work, did you?"

He turned around slowly, but I was still frozen in place by his will. It only made him all the more terrifying when his face was inches from mine. My breathing hitched for a moment. Right before the back of his hand came flying across my cheek.

His forced stance gave out and the hard slap sent me down to the rough concrete. The Nogitsune's strength wasn't exaggerated. Stiles could never hit anyone that hard without breaking his own hand.

Lydia let out a yelp, but I took it without a word. There was nothing else I could do, anything I said would undoubtedly make him angrier and more violent. I just hoped I could keep his rage focused on me and away from Lydia.

I tried to take a second, staring at the concrete, to catch my breath. But it was only a few seconds before his hand wrapped around my neck and slammed me against the wall. Lydia let out another yelp, but I just gave a low growl while staring daggers down at him.

"Come on, Kara.... we're so alike, don't you see?" He said, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm- nothing like you...." I managed to choke out.

"No?" He asked. "You proclaim to be Guardian of all- fighting for all that is good and righteous- picnics and god damn unicorns! But I.... I can smell your fear, and your anger. You can't lie to me, Kara.... I see everything you think, everything you feel.... while we lied there paralyzed, you felt..... desire- oh you felt so much desire to kill me, even though you'd kill your best friend too."

"Let her go!" Lydia demanded.

He looked me up and down, like I was no more than a piece of meat. When he finally released me, I collapsed on all fours, gasping desperately for air.

Once I caught my breath again, I tilted my head up, there he was, crouched down just inches from my face.

"You're nothing but a hypocrite...." He seethed. "You know this little thing?"

He grabbed my wrist abruptly, grasping it tightly and holding it up to my face. I winced at the pain, but didn't say anything.

"I stole it, from your home, Kara... this was created and used, by your own family." He smirked. "You think your Father was the first to try and dodge their all mighty responsibility? Guardians are nothing but leashed mutts....."

I could feel the anger rising inside me, but we both knew I couldn't do anything about it. I did manage to free my wrist from his grip but he only looked amused.

"They're going to find us...." I warned him. "Our friends will find us...."

"You think so?" He smiled. "I myself was kind of wondering what they're doing right now.... What useless lead they're chasing..... I wonder maybe if some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now.... are they really spending every minute looking for you.... or, are they waiting till nightfall? Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time?"

Everything he was saying sounded true to me. He'd thought all of this out carefully, and I had a feeling everything was gonna go exactly according to his plan tonight.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"I want more..." he said, looking into my eyes with his deathly haunting stare.

"More what?" I said clenching my jaw

"The trickster stories are all about food, Kara- the Coyote, the Raven, the Fox.... they're all hungry. I'm the same. I just crave something a little different .... I eat what you feel.... and I am insatiable."

AN: Five more chapters!

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