Alpha's Roar

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Once Scott regained some of his strength, he followed Stiles' Jeep on his bike as we drove to the edge of the preserve. Just as Stiles put the car in park. Allison's car pulled up next to us. Isaac and Evan exited her car with her.

Allison went to her trunk while the rest of us stood around in silence. Finally, it was Lydia who broke the silence. "Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?"

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter." Scott said.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter." Isaac corrected unhelpfully. "Who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter."

"And again with the not helping." Stiles says annoyed.

Scott just ignores the two of them, looking over at Allison. "Did you bring it?"

She reaches into the trunk of her car, pulling out a long slick gun. A gunshot rang through the forest, but it didn't come from her.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, looking around at the trees.

"It's Tate." Scott said, grabbing the handlebars to his bike.

"I'm coming with you." I told him, swinging my leg over on his bike behind him before we could protest.

We didn't have time to argue, but he handed me his helmet. "Scott- Kara wait!" Stiles tried to stop us, but Scott kicked the bike starter. The engine roared alive and he thrusted it full speed.

I held on tight, my arms wrapped around his waist. We heard another gunshot, only making Scott drive faster.

"That way, that's where the shot's are coming from!" I called out, pointing just north of the direction we were headed in. Scott turned the bike, creating large clouds of dirt beside us.


Both Scott and I put our hands to our ears. Scott was steering, so he had let go, making us flew forward off the bike. That was Isaac's voice, he's hurt somewhere here.

I fell forward after Scott, hitting the side of his body. I had his helmet, so I was fine. But I could see a cut above Scott's forehead.

"What was that?" Scott asked, reaching out to me.

"Isaac, it was Isaac- something's wrong." I shook my head, helping him up. "Forget the bike, we're faster on foot."

Scott nodded, and we took off again. The shots had stopped, so we were honing in on Malia's scent. It wasn't long before we were catching up to her, Tate nowhere in sight. Now it was just a race, between us and her.

I knew this part of the woods, we were headed towards the car crash. We were almost there, when something grabbed hold of my foot. I tripped, feeling something biting down on my leg.

"AGHHH!" I screamed out, looking behind me I could see a large bear trap digging it's teeth deep into my leg.

"Kara!" Scott stopped running after Malia, and back towards me.

"No!" I panted. "Go!"

Scott looked torn, but after a few seconds, he took off running again. I whimpered, looking back to the trap. Blood was gushing out and down my pant leg. Carefully, I grabbed both sides of the trap and pulled as hard as I could.

I groaned at the slight movement, but the trap wasn't loosening its grip on me. "Come on..." I whined. I tried again, pulling even harder than before. Still nothing. It was deep, I could feel the sharp teeth scraping against the bone.

I heard another roar coming not far ahead. I felt my eyes shifting, and my claws coming out. It was an Alpha's roar. It was Scott. I gripped the trap tightly, yanking my arms up. Breaking the trap open.

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